67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

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  • Colin M.
    Infrequent User
    • May 31, 1984
    • 29

    67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

    I am seeking information on the number/colour of the pump cam used on the original centre carb. It would appear the cam should be in the number one position however I cannot find a description of the number of the cam

    The service manual shows the carb as part number 3902355 and Mfg number as R3660A
  • Hebert K.
    Infrequent User
    • September 5, 2011
    • 28

    Re: 67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

    Mine has a red #2 accelerator pump camKIMG0157.jpg


    • Colin M.
      Infrequent User
      • May 31, 1984
      • 29

      Re: 67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

      Hi Herbert, Thank you for the reply. From the picture I am unable to see which hole the screw is in. All the Holley info I have found states that the cam is in the number one hole on the carb. None of the info specifically states an end use for the carb so GM may have changed the screw to the No 2 position. Is your carb as set up for a 435 HP car When I restored the car in 1985 I purchased three new replacement carbs { the originals were gone ) the setup was as per Holley standard issue using the No 1 hole in the cam lever. I appreciate your help I am in Western Australia and I have no other cars to look at. Thank you


      • Hebert K.
        Infrequent User
        • September 5, 2011
        • 28

        Re: 67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

        Hi Colin, Yes the screw is in the #1 hole.
        This carb is the original carb from my 435hp motor.


        • Colin M.
          Infrequent User
          • May 31, 1984
          • 29

          Re: 67 427 2300 carburetor accelerator pump cam

          Hi Herb, Many thanks for your effort on my behalf. The photos are great. I am always greatfull for the help from all the NCRS people. It makes having Corvettes such a great hobby. I am looking forward to Summer and driving these great cars


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