1963 convertible outside window seal - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 convertible outside window seal

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  • Thomas S.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 6, 2016
    • 601

    1963 convertible outside window seal

    Replacing the rubber and side window runs and I ran into a problem with a part from CC. Photos are from the passenger side. My guess is that these have already been replaced because not only are there 5 staples, but also screws that hold the rubber to the SS trim. You can see those extra holes in the photo below.

    That said, my main question is why would the replacement rubber be too short? I realize it could simply be wrong part and maybe that's the end of the story.

    According to the AIM, there are 2 different GM numbers, one for the coupe and one for the convertible.

    The coupe version of this part specifies 6 staples so I'm assuming that it is longer which led me to think that the rubber on the car might be for a coupe and not correct. However, the longer length must be correct or it would not be long enough to seal the bottom edge of the window.

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