One project that is left to do before judging on my 66 Base Engine Coupe>No Power Steering is to install the above. Couple
of basic questions on the Steering Damper Shock and Hdwe.
1)Would the shock(AFAIK) part #Placell #3178100>GM #22011964(Discontinued) be identical for all C2's?
2)Would all the Hdwe. to install the shock be identical for all C2's or are they any unique features
for the 66 Corvette?
3)Anything I should know when installing the above? I assume no adjustment in the the steering is required?
Thanks in advance>Larry
of basic questions on the Steering Damper Shock and Hdwe.
1)Would the shock(AFAIK) part #Placell #3178100>GM #22011964(Discontinued) be identical for all C2's?
2)Would all the Hdwe. to install the shock be identical for all C2's or are they any unique features
for the 66 Corvette?
3)Anything I should know when installing the above? I assume no adjustment in the the steering is required?
Thanks in advance>Larry