Trip odometer reset cable routing - NCRS Discussion Boards

Trip odometer reset cable routing

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  • Roger G.
    Frequent User
    • February 27, 2011
    • 92

    Trip odometer reset cable routing

    Can someone tell me how the trip odometer reset cable gets routed from the back of the speedometer while installing the driver side instrument panel. There is a cast iron brace right behind the speedometer. Does the cable route OVER this brace? Routing the cable UNDER results in the cable being bent at a 90 degree angle, pinched between the iron brace and speedometer back.
  • Roger G.
    Frequent User
    • February 27, 2011
    • 92

    Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

    Someone must have installed a left hand dash panel in an early C3?


    • Bob I.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 8, 2006
      • 265

      Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

      The reset cable on my 1970, was installed with a 90* bend pointing down right at the speedo housing.
      Attached Files


      • Roger G.
        Frequent User
        • February 27, 2011
        • 92

        Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

        Thanks Bob

        I was referring to the routing when installed, mine comes out of the speedometer head, takes a 90 degree turn to the left, trapped between the iron brace and back of the speedometer. The cable is pretty bound up, going to be replaced. Question is when I install the panel, do I route the reset cable up over the iron brace, then mounting bracket or do I let it turn sharply downward, trapped between the brace and speedometer head.

        I tried to get a photo, can't quite reach the point where the cable attaches to the head. Shows the cable turning to the left...

        Attached Files


        • Patrick H.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • November 30, 1989
          • 11561

          Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

          Your cable shouldn't take the 90-degree bend at the back of the speedo.
          Imagine rotating it counter-clockwise so it sits like Bob's picture.
          It will actually clear the bracket shown in your photo when installed correctly. There's not a lot of room but it works.
          Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
          71 "deer modified" coupe
          72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
          2008 coupe
          Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


          • Roger G.
            Frequent User
            • February 27, 2011
            • 92

            Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

            Thanks Patrick

            I suspected this may be the case.
            I cannot pull the cable up and over the brace, going to have to remove the panel, replace the cable, reroute.
            It appears it should go over the brace above the area where the left hand braces would attach if this were a convertible.


            • Patrick H.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • November 30, 1989
              • 11561

              Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

              I've done it a few times, and not had to remove the cluster.

              Be happy it's not a later C3 where they added another brace. Those are impossible.
              Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
              71 "deer modified" coupe
              72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe.
              2008 coupe
              Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


              • Roger G.
                Frequent User
                • February 27, 2011
                • 92

                Re: Trip odometer reset cable routing

                Originally posted by Patrick Hulst (16386)
                I've done it a few times, and not had to remove the cluster.

                Be happy it's not a later C3 where they added another brace. Those are impossible.
                Hi Patrick,

                Thanks for the help, much appreciated!

                I think the reset cable is butted up against the iron bracket in the area with the yellow arrow.
                It should go over this bracket, above the bolt hole?
                Seems the only place it could go...


                I can't access the reset cable as it is now, need to move the cluster away from the bracket, toward the rear of the car.
                To do this I'd imagine I need to at least lower the steering column if not remove it.
                I've had the column out a few times recently, just want to think this through this time before tearing things apart again.


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