1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal?

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 30, 2007
    • 524

    1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal?

    I am looking at a 64 Coupe for sale, I am used to seeing the standard vin tag spot welded to the bar under the glove box/ passenger.
    This car has rusted distinct grind marks under the vin plate. Looks like the vin plate came off the car some how,
    the original weld marks were ground off and the vin plate (or a replacement or 100 other things happened-like stolen)
    was spot welded on. Is this normal, sorry I dont have a 64 judging guide- yet. Anybody able to post a photo of how their 64 vin tag is attached- or is this "as normally seen?"
  • Don H.
    • June 16, 2009
    • 2217

    Re: 1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal?

    Does it look like this? The grind marks are normal. To clean the metal so the spot welds hold.



    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 30, 2007
      • 524

      Re: 1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal?

      Yes, exactly like that ! And I read a post from years ago noting the same thing. It sure looked like a stolen car to me, I guess this was not so much of a isolated issue in 63/64. Thanks, I learned something today-


      • Don H.
        • June 16, 2009
        • 2217

        Re: 1964 coupe VIN plate attached looks bogus, what is normal?

        It is "as normally seen". You're most welcome.


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