1982 fuel pump removal

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  • Ted K.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1994
    • 337

    1982 fuel pump removal

    I am attempting to remove the fuel pump from 1982 Corvette gas tank. Other comments say disconnect the fuel cap, the hoses and remove the fasteners and then wiggle it around and it will come out. Not as easy as it sounds. If you have done it you know it doesn't just lift straight out. My question is does it need to be in a particular position to slide out of the tank? I have twisted and turned it many ways with no luck, and there are no utube videos. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  • Arland D.
    • August 1, 1980
    • 406

    Re: 1982 fuel pump removal


    It helps to have a clear image of the assembly in mind. When installed, the float arm points towards the front of the car. Once everything is disconnected, rotate the unit 180* so the arm points towards the rear of the car. When you lift the assembly up, you can start tipping it towards the rear of the car so the float arm will start pointing straight down as you tilt the assembly towards the rear of the car while lifting it out. It still takes a little bit of jockeying around but that is what has worked for me in the past.


    • Ted K.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 1994
      • 337

      Re: 1982 fuel pump removal

      Thanks, Definitely takes a lot of jocking around but it finally came out. Good info.


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