69 Dimmer Switch

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  • Philip A.
    • September 19, 2021
    • 94

    69 Dimmer Switch

    Was 69 a year they changed the dimmer switch to be under the carpet?
    My 69 has a plastic pedal that is riveted to the body and that rides on top of the Dimmer switch and the carpet goes over it , no grommet as it is hidden. Is this correct?
    Last edited by Philip A.; April 3, 2022, 09:53 PM.
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: 69 Dimmer Switch

    Originally posted by Philip Accardi (68429)
    Was 69 a year they changed the dimmer switch to be under the carpet?
    Mine has a plastic pedal (which is cracked but no one shows a replacement )that is riveted to the body and that rides on top of the Dimmer switch and the carpet goes over it , no grommet as it is hidden. Is this correct?
    Yes, that's the way it is. My 1970 is the same.


    • David M.
      Very Frequent User
      • October 1, 2004
      • 502

      Re: 69 Dimmer Switch

      April built 68 has the paddle under the carpet.
      Im going to move the brights up to a switch under the dash or somewhere creative. Each and every time I clutch I simultaneously turn on the brights, Most aggravating.


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