1964 Original factory paint, help identifying - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964 Original factory paint, help identifying

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  • John R.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 2005
    • 433

    1964 Original factory paint, help identifying

    How can one tell if a car has factory, original paint? Or how can I tell if it's been repainted?

    I can see:
    1. all the bonding seams through the paint, unhit body too!
    2. no area on the chrome door handles, locks, mirror base, antenna base or emblems with paint overspray
    3. very thin paint on bottom of doors and front lower valance, primer showing through in some of these areas
    4. door jambs, hood gutter and exterior area where bumpers mount have dull finish paint

    I can't see the "pimple" or raised dot, near the 13th opening in the wiper grill, drivers side. Did the "pimple" exist in early production 1964? If it did, its gone, so that could indicate a body man may have sanded it off for a repaint.

    Lastly, with concentrated waxing, minor paint color shows (comes off) on the wax applicator. This may indicate lacquer paint.

    What else can I look for to determine if I have an original paint car? BTW, this is a 1 owner, Southern CA and FL car all it life which appears to be well preserved.

    Thanks in advance for some clues!
  • Edward J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2008
    • 6940

    Re: 1964 Original factory paint, help identifying

    John, look at the weather strips at doors to see if glue was over applied, the glue was brushed on. Excessively.. look at the bottoms of doors sometimes little or no paint, under front ledge of hood there may be little or not paint. Wheel housing lips at top light paint application. Better to have your chapter guys look,also. But it seems like you have a good,idea what to look for.
    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


    • Mark F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1998
      • 1408

      Re: 1964 Original factory paint, help identifying


      Sure sounds like you have an original paint job...in addition to what Ed has said, here's a few other things you might want to look at, too:

      • check the gaskets on the door handles, lock cylinders, side view mirror and antenna - it's very hard to tape those tight enough to the body (if they weren't removed) w/o paint from a re-spray "weeping" into them
      • check for any paint "spatter" or speckles on the wiring harness and other radiator components behind the grille


      • John F.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 23, 2008
        • 2391

        Re: 1964 Original factory paint, help identifying

        Take some pictures and post.


        • John R.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 31, 2005
          • 433

          Re: 1964 Original factory paint, help identifying

          Thanks guys. I will check those other areas and report back. Will post pictures when I can.


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