'67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real - NCRS Discussion Boards

'67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real

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  • Jack M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 28, 1991
    • 1100

    Re: '67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real

    I've exchanged a few emails with Joe Lucia. He certainly is a wealth of knowledge, and an invaluable resource for us... MANY THANX!

    As mentioned previously, I've checked the Passenger Car and Camaro 'Misc Shipping List' (where the frames are listed for Corvette).
    I've also gone page-by-page thru those other Assembly Manuals, but could NOT find GM Part #3797485 listed (although I could have missed it).
    I do see what 'might' be similar frames in the large 'Custom Feature Accessories' album, but itz just a cartoon/sketch... not a photo.
    And finally, checked with the full size Chevy community... they are unfamiliar with these frames, especially on ORIGINAL vehicles.

    Overall, my purpose to list other vehicles was to possibly illustrate how widespread these frames may have been in the Chevy lineup, and how extensive the inventory could have been. Additionally, we need to consider that many dealers liked to install/display their own 'personalized' plates, so OTC frame sales could have been limited.

    In the end, no matter what vehicles they were on, a #3797485 frame manufactured BEFORE the patent was granted on 4-18-67, can NOT have a Patent Number on it (according to the US Patent and Trademark Office).
    Last edited by Jack M.; May 6, 2022, 09:56 AM. Reason: korrected date


    • Gary B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 31, 1997
      • 6905

      Re: '67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real


      The date in your last sentence should be 4-18-67, not 4-18-65.



      • Jack M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • February 28, 1991
        • 1100

        Re: '67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real

        Good catch... THANX and korrected.


        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 31, 1988
          • 43160

          Re: '67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real

          Originally posted by Jack Morocco (18851)
          I've exchanged a few emails with Joe Lucia. He certainly is a wealth of knowledge, and an invaluable resource for us... MANY THANX!

          As mentioned previously, I've checked the Passenger Car and Camaro 'Misc Shipping List' (where the frames are listed for Corvette).
          I've also gone page-by-page thru those other Assembly Manuals, but could NOT find GM Part #3797485 listed (although I could have missed it).
          I do see what 'might' be similar frames in the large 'Custom Feature Accessories' album, but itz just a cartoon/sketch... not a photo.
          And finally, checked with the full size Chevy community... they are unfamiliar with these frames, especially on ORIGINAL vehicles.

          Overall, my purpose to list other vehicles was to possibly illustrate how widespread these frames may have been in the Chevy lineup, and how extensive the inventory could have been. Additionally, we need to consider that many dealers liked to install/display their own 'personalized' plates, so OTC frame sales could have been limited.

          In the end, no matter what vehicles they were on, a #3797485 frame manufactured BEFORE the patent was granted on 4-18-67, can NOT have a Patent Number on it (according to the US Patent and Trademark Office).


          If the 3797485 is not shown in the AIM's miscellaneous shipping list for the other Chevrolet models, then it was not supplied with those models.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Michael G.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 11, 2008
            • 2147

            Re: '67 stainless license plate frame - how to tell if real

            I know a guy (who shall remain nameless) who painted the inside of his frames and then blew grinder dust on the wet paint - passed with flying colors.

            1965 Black Ext / Silver Int. Coupe, L84 Duntov, French Lick, 2023 - Triple Diamond
            1965 Red Ext / White & Red Int. Conv. - 327/250 AC Regional Top Flight.


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