Resignation Announcement

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  • Shannon U.
    Former NCRS President Director Region II
    • October 19, 2009
    • 108

    Resignation Announcement

    I am happy to announce that I have resigned my position with Bloomington Gold effective immediately. I will not participate in any other collector car club organization as a judge, division director or any other official capacity whatsoever. When I attend these events as a spectator in the future, I will proudly wear one of my many NCRS shirts. I want to make my reason for this decision clear and I do not want to give any impressions that I have divided loyalties. I do not and never will. My loyalty is only to the membership of the NCRS and this great organization.

    Each of you deserve my exclusive and best efforts in leading us forward. Please join me in those efforts.

    Last edited by Shannon U.; March 2, 2022, 11:50 AM.
  • Mike D.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1996
    • 296

    Re: Resignation Announcement

    See ya in New Orleans. Since you have to notify the NCRS to run for regional director before voting begins, the same should happen for the president also. October 1st for the following year? My .02 worth.
    Mike Doty
    Intermountain Chapter Judging Chairman
    Region VIII Director


    • Mike M.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1974
      • 8332

      Re: Resignation Announcement

      shannon: elated that you have resigned from Bloomington. henceforth, I'll be happy to work with and for you as you strive to keep the NCRS ship afloat. mike


      • Roy S.
        Past National Judging Chairman
        • August 1, 1979
        • 1019

        Re: Resignation Announcement

        Thank You, Mam - hopefully history will show it was the correct decision.


        • Donald O.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 1990
          • 1574

          The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.


          • Ed H.
            Frequent User
            • July 20, 2014
            • 56

            Re: Resignation Announcement


            I applaud your decision. Perception is often seen as reality, whether right, wrong or indifferent.

            You are demonstrating true leadership in your decision and putting our NCRS organization first and foremost. I am excited to see NCRS advance and become what is already an excellent organization to an even better one under your leadership. I look forward to partnering with you and our regional directors in this pursuit.

            Best Regards,

            Ed H


            • Jim L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • October 1, 1979
              • 1779

              Re: Resignation Announcement

              This is a small step in a direction which is not inappropriate.


              • Mark S.
                Very Frequent User
                • August 1, 1983
                • 646

                Re: Resignation Announcement

                Welcome! aboard!


                • Dave P.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • July 1, 1991
                  • 167

                  Re: Resignation Announcement

                  The wind has stopped howling, but the ocean is still rough. It will take time for the waves to dissipate.

                  When I saw the title of this thread, I was hoping that Ms Urton had resigned from NCRS. I still strongly feel that there are clear violations of the NCRS Code of Ethics, and that those violations can only be remedied by her (and the other 4 directors that were involved) resignation from NCRS.

                  Thank you for leaving these threads open for discussion until their originator considered their topic resolved. Emotions and positions on this issue were strong and polarized, but with only a couple of exceptions, the participants were civil and respectful of each other. (After all, we are all members of the same organization.) As we go forward, I feel it would be very beneficial to have an open, accessible, forum to continue to be able to air grievances, criticism, and even just opinion on matters concerning actions taken by the BoD and other Officers. The lack of transparency and running things in the dark is what allowed this situation that the membership just experienced to occur at all.
                  Last edited by Dave P.; March 2, 2022, 04:47 PM. Reason: changed it.


                  • Dick C.
                    Past NCRS President
                    • November 1, 1995
                    • 449

                    Re: Resignation Announcement

                    That is good news Shannon, now lets get on with making NCRS the best it can be...................
                    Dick Capello
                    New England Chapter/Mid Atlantic Chapter
                    Past NCRS President
                    Past Region 1 Director


                    • Roy S.
                      Past National Judging Chairman
                      • August 1, 1979
                      • 1019

                      Re: Resignation Announcement

                      Originally posted by Jim Lockwood (2750)
                      This is a small step in a direction which is not inappropriate.
                      <br />
                      <br />
                      Jim once again you are correct!! Having served as an appointed director and becoming an elected director just prior to the meeting where she ambushed the president, she should have known that there was a problem with her associations and that stepping up to the office of President was going to create a &quot;Conflict of Interest&quot; and remediated that issue first. Me thinks that is not modus operandi of this member, she seems to be more I than we in her presentation. Wish her success, it may be a very rocky road if she does not learn compassion at some point.
                      Last edited by Roy S.; March 2, 2022, 07:23 PM.


                      • Ed N.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • May 17, 2010
                        • 989

                        Re: Resignation Announcement

                        You had and will continue to have my unconditional support.
                        Ed Nieves
                        NCRS #51799


                        • Michael J.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • January 27, 2009
                          • 7033

                          Re: Resignation Announcement

                          I guess this is good, I have never been to Bloomington and have never had any desire to go, as I have not heard many good things about it.
                          Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


                          • Jim L.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • October 1, 1979
                            • 1779

                            Re: Resignation Announcement

                            Originally posted by Shannon Urton (50941)
                            I am happy to announce that I have resigned my position with Bloomington Gold effective immediately.
                            If you are fishing around for what to do next, issuing a public apology to Mike Ingham would certainly be in good taste.


                            • Jim L.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • October 1, 1979
                              • 1779

                              Re: Resignation Announcement

                              Almost 48 hours ago I reported that multiple sources indicated the young lady's hidden agenda was to fire David Brigham and to replace him with Chuck Berge. For reference, see:

                              It is significant to realize that, although she has had plenty of time to do so, the young lady has not denied this at all.

                              Her silence is deafening.


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