Pulled this generator from the shelf having removed it during the build process and need to dispose of it in some manner. Rather than sell it for pennies on the pound at a recycler, I began to wonder if it had any value to the hobby. There is no identifying placard but there are casting numbers on the end frames as you can see in the photos. One e-Bayer has a NOS frame for sale and claims that the 1926761 casting number distinguishes this from passenger car generators. What you y'all think?
Is this a Corvette generator?
Re: Is this a Corvette generator?
Dug out this info on '57 Corvette generators. Hope this helps.
Generators used on Corvettes measured approx 3-1/4" whereas all other Chevy applications (for power steering) measured 3-1/2". A quick test is if you can or can't slip your finger between the generator and the mounting "U" bracket, but there is also a visual in that the Corvette version has a much shorter cast in figure 8 vs. the more common version has a pronounced neck between the lobes of the 8.
Corvette generator front plate is smooth and has no re-enforcing ribs on the back side.
The difference is in the end plates on 57-59 P/S generator 1102115 vs Corvette 1102043 generator.
The 115 PS gen end plate was 1938726 and stands approx 1/4 inch taller than the 1934131 end plate on the Corvette generator.
1956 PS generator 1102041 used the same end plates as the 043 Corvette generator and is practically identical.NCRS Texas Chapter
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565408483631- Top
Re: Is this a Corvette generator?
Hi Keith
Here is a photo that supports Gary's info.
JoeAttached Files- Top
Re: Is this a Corvette generator?
The generator in question is not a tach-drive generator, so tach-drive info has its place, but not here.
E.g., a 62 low-hp generator front plate DOES have reinforcing ribs.
The low stand-off vs. tall stand-off information IS correct all the way through 62 (the end of Corvette generator usage).
Unless my eyes deceive me on the depth of stand-off, there is nothing on either front or rear plate on this generator that indicates it is a 57-62 Corvette generator.- Top