1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19 - NCRS Discussion Boards

1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

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  • Michael V.
    Frequent User
    • May 31, 1995
    • 73

    1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

    Are there any known examples of a 1967 427/435 car delivered to a California dealer according to the tank sticker with a JE block and no K19 installed on it?

  • Roy S.
    Past National Judging Chairman
    • July 31, 1979
    • 1020

    Re: 1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

    I seriously doubt it.


    • Mark L.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 31, 1989
      • 543

      Re: 1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

      The only exception might be a car that has zone 6 which is considered a CA zone. However there were a few zone 6 dealers in NV which did not require K19. Would need to know the exact dealer code.


      • Gary J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1980
        • 1226

        Re: 1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

        Are the exhaust manifolds drilled for the A.I.R. tubes which should be for an A.I.R. car. That would be dead giveaway along with the block stamp as to whether or not it was an A.I.R. car. Sure is going to very, very expensive trying to find all the correct parts if missing.


        • Tim G.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 28, 1990
          • 1341

          Re: 1967 427 435 delivered in California without K19

          Order the Shipping report to confirm that the car was ordered by a California dealer and to see if that matches up with the tank sticker information.


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