Reproduction 2nd - 3rd synchronizer assembly for '55 - '63 3-speed trans? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Reproduction 2nd - 3rd synchronizer assembly for '55 - '63 3-speed trans?

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  • G B.
    • November 30, 1974
    • 1407

    Reproduction 2nd - 3rd synchronizer assembly for '55 - '63 3-speed trans?

    The 2 - 3 synchronizer in my '57 3-speed is worn and needs replacing. I believe both the original GM part number, 3733889, as well as the replacement part number, 3774720, have been discontinued for years. Is there a reproduction or aftermarket substitute available anywhere?

    There's an NOS 3774720 offered on eBay right now for ~$400, but that seems steep to me for a 3-speed repair part. Maybe I should just put in a 4-speed.

  • G B.
    • November 30, 1974
    • 1407

    Alrighty then!

    I guess not.


    • Dennis C.
      Very Frequent User
      • June 30, 2002
      • 882

      Re: Reproduction 2nd - 3rd synchronizer assembly for '55 - '63 3-speed trans?

      Originally posted by G A Bramlett (135)
      The 2 - 3 synchronizer in my '57 3-speed is worn and needs replacing. I believe both the original GM part number, 3733889, as well as the replacement part number, 3774720, have been discontinued for years. Is there a reproduction or aftermarket substitute available anywhere?

      There's an NOS 3774720 offered on eBay right now for ~$400, but that seems steep to me for a 3-speed repair part. Maybe I should just put in a 4-speed.

      Try Larry at D & L Transmission, 631-351-4837.


      • G B.
        • November 30, 1974
        • 1407

        Re: Reproduction 2nd - 3rd synchronizer assembly for '55 - '63 3-speed trans?

        Thanks for your reply, Dennis. I did some business with Larry back in the nineties and found him thoroughly honest.

        I just bought an allegedly new-old-stock aftermarket synchronizer on eBay for ~$200. Yowzah!

        I did find an NOS GM #3774720 in Sweden for around $430. Also, a Russian phishing website listed an NOS 3774720 for $65... but I passed on chasing that bargain.



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