66 glove box contents

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  • Robert P.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 20, 2019
    • 277

    66 glove box contents

    Hi, what items came in the glove box that are needed for judging
    thank you inadvance
    Bob Peckham
  • Tom E.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 2, 2019
    • 448

    Re: 66 glove box contents

    All of the judging sheets are available for download in the member services area. You can find them here https://www.ncrs.org/services/judging-score-sheets.php



    • Mark F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 1, 1998
      • 1389

      Re: 66 glove box contents

      In addition to what Tom has provided, if you don't already have a '66 Technical Information Manual and Judging Guide (TIMJG) - you should get one if you're having your car judged.

      The Sections (organization) of the TIMJGs follow the scoring sheets fairly closely.

      National Corvette Restorers Society! 1963-67 NCRS Technical Information Manual & Judging Guides - Where does 48 years worth of detailed Corvette research by the experts in the Corvette Hobby go? In these books!  NEW 1966 6th edition available NOW! NEW 1967 8th edition available NOW! Prices are based on the base edition in all black and white, the expanded editions with color covers, and the expanded editions with color covers and color

      good luck!


      • Stephen L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 1984
        • 3146

        Re: 66 glove box contents

        The list of items is on page 33 of the 1967 Technical & Judging guide.... Probably a similar list for other years........


        • Jack M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 1, 1991
          • 1076

          Re: 66 glove box contents

          I've yet to find an early copy of the Misc Shipping List from the 1966 Assembly Manual.
          As of the 4-22-66 copy, these highlighted items were 'listed' for the 1966 Glove Box:

          Miscellaneous Shipping List - 1966 CORVETTE AIM-01.jpg
          Miscellaneous Shipping List - 1966 CORVETTE AIM-02.jpg

          The Technical Information Manual & Judging Guide discusses the above items, and if/how they are judged.

          Although the TIM&JG discusses the K19 booklet (Sun / Air & Wheels), that booklet is dated 5-66...
          In my research, I've yet to find anyone that saw that item as FACTORY installed, until the 1967 model year.

          Studying the C2 Hardtop Wrench, I believe it would have been the VLCHEK WO1416, instead of W1416.
          (the 'WO' series was the economy version of the wrench - the 'W' series was the more expensive pro line)

          Although I do own a copy of the L88 Choke Instructions, I'm 'guessing' it wasn't used until 1967.

          Since these points are so few, I'd suggest that you do NOT change anything you feel is original.
          Then again, that is just one useless opinion... your mileage may vary.


          • Jack M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 1, 1991
            • 1076

            Re: 66 glove box contents

            OOOPS: I should also note that the WASHER SPECIAL (3827499) would also be in the CLOTH BAG... which is in the Glove Box.
            (that is, if you have the corresponding C07 Hardtop option installed)


            • Ronald L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • October 19, 2009
              • 3248

              Re: 66 glove box contents

              Hi Jack
              Thanks for the update
              Do you have or know anyone that has the print for the WASHER SPECIAL (3827499)?


              • Jack M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 1, 1991
                • 1076

                Re: 66 glove box contents

                Ron- Unfortunately, I do not have that plan/specs... never really looked into it before.


                • Robert P.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • October 20, 2019
                  • 277

                  Re: 66 glove box contents

                  Thanks for all the info have a few more questions , if the car has a hardtop but not on at the time of judging are the tools still required in the glove box . My other question on the plate hardware envelope if there is a rear tag on the car and is the envelope still left in the glove box
                  sorry if these seem like stupid ?
                  thanks Bob Peckham


                  • Stephen L.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 1, 1984
                    • 3146

                    Re: 66 glove box contents

                    Cars are judged as shipped from the factory after final assy. Therefore the license would not be installed and the envelope would be in the glove box


                    • Larry E.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • December 1, 1989
                      • 1628

                      Re: 66 glove box contents

                      Originally posted by Stephen Lavigne (7553)
                      Cars are judged as shipped from the factory after final assy. Therefore the license would not be installed and the envelope would be in the glove box
                      Stephen:If that is the case can cars be judged w/o hub caps and get no deductions?? Larry

                      LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


                      • Jack M.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • March 1, 1991
                        • 1076

                        Re: 66 glove box contents

                        Bob- I'm mainly into the RESEARCH side of the hobby... that said, herez an observation:
                        The envelope for the license plate attachment screws has divided sections for FRONT and REAR.
                        If you only have a rear plate installed, I'd 'guess' that you'd at least need the envelope for the unused front.
                        Just using common CENT$... suggesting you may eventually need to 'purchase' an envelope. LOL

                        NOTE- JohnZ once penned this about the envelopes:
                        "There were several varieties of those bags - it was Chevrolet policy to source that package (bag and screws) from sheltered workshops for physicallyand/or mentally handicapped folks, and they didn't all use the same paper bags."

                        Herez one example from original 1966 Corvette documents that I've purchased:

                        License Plate Attachment Kit - 3875313.jpg


                        • Gary B.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • February 1, 1997
                          • 6851



                          • Jack M.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • March 1, 1991
                            • 1076

                            Re: 66 glove box contents

                            Gary- Indeed... just guessing it was for fit/length, in a specific print area on the envelope.


                            • Mark F.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • August 1, 1998
                              • 1389

                              Re: 66 glove box contents

                              Originally posted by Larry Evoskis (16324)
                              Stephen:If that is the case can cars be judged w/o hub caps and get no deductions?? Larry
                              Hi Larry,

                              The answer to your question is No IMO - unless instructed otherwise by a buyer, the Dealer would have installed the hubcaps prior to delivery

                              the 9th edition of the JRM says this...

                              NCRS Judging Standard

                              Cars are to be judged to the standard of vehicle appearance, and as equipped, at the time and point of final assembly... Presentation for judging is to be in the condition normally associated with that of a Corvette which has undergone the then current standard Chevrolet Dealer New Car Preparation for delivery to the purchaser...


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