C1 Air Cleaner Wingnuts with Picture - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 Air Cleaner Wingnuts with Picture

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 2003
    • 829

    C1 Air Cleaner Wingnuts with Picture

    Hi all,

    The attached pics show a '53-54 through first six of '55 air cleaner wingnuts of which I have but two, a '56-56 air cleaner wingnut of which I have collected 17, and a '58-62 "Mickey Mouse" air cleaner wingnut of which I have six. Despite all this, I have never been completely sure of what 1955 V8 Corvette wingnuts looked like.

    I would assume that the '55 V8 wingnuts would be the same as '56-57??, but I am just guessing.

    So, does anyone have any idea as to what 1955 V8 wingnuts look like?


    Attached Files
  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17457

    Re: C1 Air Cleaner Wingnuts with Picture


    Never explored the 55's. Contact Steve Newsom through the TDB Member's pull down menu and he'll know.

    NCRS Texas Chapter



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