1960 Fuel Pump 4656 outlet cracked

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  • Joseph M.
    Infrequent User
    • June 1, 2005
    • 1

    1960 Fuel Pump 4656 outlet cracked

    Just noticed after cleaning that my 4656 fuel pump has a 1/2" spiral crack on the outlet nipple, most likely from overtightening. It is in otherwise very good condition. Is this crack fixable? Maybe TIG welded? Has anybody done this fix or know anyone who has done a fix?
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • September 1, 1988
    • 11243

    Re: 1960 Fuel Pump 4656 outlet cracked

    Joseph, Are you sure it's not a casting flaw? Does it leak?

    A picture would be good to see up close.

    If it is in fact cracked, being the outlet side I'd find a replacement instead.

    I'm not sure if it's aluminum or pot metal. Maybe it can be repaired. Try Jerry MacNeish, here....



    • Mike E.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 1, 1975
      • 5106

      Re: 1960 Fuel Pump 4656 outlet cracked

      Just replace the center body with a good used one. Inlet/outlet are 90 degrees apart. The body from many ac pumps with different numbers can be turned appropriately and used. The key to originality on your pump is the top with the 4645 stamping and the loer cover with the cast AC. There is a date on your main body, but it is very difficult to read even when off the car.


      • Mike E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 1, 1975
        • 5106

        Originally posted by Mike Ernst (211)
        Just replace the center body with a good used one. Inlet/outlet are 90 degrees apart. The body from many ac pumps with different numbers can be turned appropriately and used. The key to originality on your pump is the top with the 4645 stamping and the loer cover with the cast AC. There is a date on your main body, but it is very difficult to read even when off the car.


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