C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

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  • Grant M.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1995
    • 448

    C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

    Getting around to having my gauges and cluster restored (after 34 years). I noticed that the escutcheon or 'collar' on the steering column that is screwed to the bottom of the cluster and has a square 'peg' that fits into a hole in the cluster, has never fit tight against the cluster. I wondered if I'd done something wrong when installing the cluster 34 years ago, or was some part missing (the car was pretty much disassembled when I bought it). Then I saw a filler or seal, with wire retainer listed at Corvette Central's website, but I couldn't find a drawing/photo or instruction anywhere (Factor Assembly Manual/Service Manual etc), on how the wire retainer is to be installed. Can anyone advise on how this seal or filler is installed?


  • Gary B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 1, 1997
    • 6851



    • Grant M.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 1, 1995
      • 448

      Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

      Thanks Gary. So as I understand it, the rubber and wire retainer won't fill the space between the escutcheon and the cluster, correct? I thought that perhaps they would have installed on the outside diameter, thus filling the void...


      • Grant M.
        Very Frequent User
        • September 1, 1995
        • 448

        Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'


        Just went out to look at it again, and now I can see that the 'void' I speak of is one of my own making (34 years ago). The square peg on the escutcheon is not in the hole at the bottom of the cluster housing, so the escutcheon is back from the housing about 1/4 inch or more, mainly at the top. Now a question: should I/do I need to loosen the steering column support to fit the escutcheon into the hole or would it be sufficient to simply loose/remove the escutcheon screws?

        Thanks again for your response.



        • Gary B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 1, 1997
          • 6851



          • Harry S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • August 1, 2002
            • 5181

            Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

            Grant, I seem to recall that there are two different escutcheons. One for 63 and one for 64-67. Is it possible that sometime in the past someone installed the 63 part. This would give you a space.


            • Grant M.
              Very Frequent User
              • September 1, 1995
              • 448

              Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

              Harry, I suppose it's possible, but after my most recent look, I think it's just a matter of me installing it improperly in 1987. It's clear from my most recent look that the escutcheon in actually slanted rearwards at its apex, forming the gap, but rests against the cluster at the base where it is fastened with screws.




              • Joe R.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • August 1, 1976
                • 4546

                Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                Significant difference in the two bezels. Smaller on the left is the 63. Other is 64-67.




                • Grant M.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • September 1, 1995
                  • 448

                  Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                  Joe Ray,

                  Thanks for the photos. I definitely have the correct one (64-67), but it doesn't seem to want to stay close to the face of the cluster as I tighten the screws. Can't see any obvious reason why...



                  • Gary B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • February 1, 1997
                    • 6851

                    Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'


                    If the angle of your steering column/mast is not steep enough, that will try to pull the steering wheel down. With one end of the steering column locked into the steering box, and the firewall hole as a pivot, that will determine where the upper end naturally wants to be.

                    The steering column angle can be altered when shimming the body to the frame.

                    Last edited by Gary B.; September 9, 2021, 03:34 PM. Reason: Added commentary


                    • Brian T.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • October 1, 1990
                      • 187

                      Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                      The 1967 escutcheon is all by itself. There were 2 versions of the 1964-1966 part.


                      • Grant M.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • September 1, 1995
                        • 448

                        Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                        Thanks Brian. I'm operating on the assumption that I have the correct part at this point. It seems the issue has to do with the angle of the bend in the bottom of the escutcheon and the angle of the bend in the bottom of the cluster housing. Even if I use my hand to firmly hold the top radius of the escutcheon against the face of the cluster, as I tighten the mounting screws the escutcheon is drawn out from the cluster about 1/4 inch. It seems the screw issue is worst on the inboard side, so I have inserted a black rubber washer between the escutcheon and cluster at the RH screw hole and then held the top radius as tightly against the cluster face as I tightened the screws. The result is not perfect, but the former gap of over 1/4 inch around the escutcheon radius has been reduced to 1/32-1/16 inch, which looks much better at this point. Not an NCRS car by any stroke, so no judging considerations. When I remove the cluster for restoration I'll have another look to see if something else can be done.
                        Gary/Joe Ray and Harry, thanks also so much for your input!



                        • Brian T.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • October 1, 1990
                          • 187

                          Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                          Sounds like something is bent. I have seen many cluster housings bent on the lower edge. That is more likely than the steering column escutcheon.


                          • Grant M.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • September 1, 1995
                            • 448

                            Re: C2 Steering Column/Instrument Panel Escutcheon or 'Collar'

                            Thanks. I'll check that out when I remove the cluster. I don't think the escutcheon would bend without breaking; pot metal...


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