Electrical issue - where to begin investigating - NCRS Discussion Boards

Electrical issue - where to begin investigating

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  • Ed S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 6, 2014
    • 1370

    Re: Electrical issue - where to begin investigating

    Great - thanks for the explanation - this is good. I am anxious to investigate the path of the harness and do the test you describe. Will let you know what I learn.


    • Ed S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 6, 2014
      • 1370

      Re: Electrical issue - where to begin investigating

      This calls for a drum roll - I am confident I have found the problem - Thanks to all, especially Edward Johnson. I installed new carpet some time ago - the electrical problem did not manifest itself immediately after the new carpet install. Following Ed's advice I isolated the problem to the rear harness - removed the driver's side kick panel and discovered the farthest forward and lowest sheet metal screw (one of about 7 that hold the kick panel in place) pierced the harness. Have not cut the electric tape back yet to examine the wires but..... I am pretty confident that this is the problem. What a relief --- you have no idea.


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