1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

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  • James W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1990
    • 2620

    1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

    Would anyone have a picture of the metal screen for the rear vent fan installed in a 1964 or 1965 coupe? I for the life of me can't remember how it is positioned. Is it sandwiched between the fan carpet mounting bracket and the left rear trim carpet?


    James West
  • Dan B.
    • July 13, 2011
    • 545

    Re: 1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

    Jim, You are correct. The screen goes behind the carpet panel and get sandwiched against the outer bracket on the blower. I glued mine to the carpet panel to make servicing easier. As you can see, only the portion that extends beyond the carpet panel is available for air intake.

    Hope this helps you. Dan
    Attached Files


    • James W.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 30, 1990
      • 2620

      Re: 1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

      Do you run the two screws that fasten the rear edge of the panel through the screen? I did this with mine and you can barely see the screen. In your picture, you have way more screen showing than I do.

      Thanks for the picture.


      Originally posted by Dan Bachrach (53579)
      Jim, You are correct. The screen goes behind the carpet panel and get sandwiched against the outer bracket on the blower. I glued mine to the carpet panel to make servicing easier. As you can see, only the portion that extends beyond the carpet panel is available for air intake.

      Hope this helps you. Dan
      Attached Files


      • Dan B.
        • July 13, 2011
        • 545

        Re: 1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

        I ran the 2 rear screws through the backer board and screen but not through the carpet in that area so I could get the screen exactly where I wanted it before fitting the top piece of carpet. Not sure the General did it that way (hard to tell from my AIM) but made for a nice clean install.


        • James W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 30, 1990
          • 2620

          Re: 1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?

          Found a picture in my database showing the screen placement as it was originally installed. The screws that go through the carpet panel hold it in place.

          Attached Files


          • Gary B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • January 31, 1997
            • 6905

            Re: 1964-1965 Coupe Rear Vent Fan Screen...Correct Placement?


            Great photo!



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