1963 360HP cam and solid lifters - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 360HP cam and solid lifters

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  • Jerry C.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1995
    • 741

    1963 360HP cam and solid lifters

    Looking for an Elgin E-900-P cam and lifters. Anyone know who might have a set for sale? Thanks in advance
  • Jerry M.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1978
    • 147

    Re: 1963 360HP cam and solid lifters

    I bought a set within the last year to keep on the shelf and it was very reasonable. May have been directly from Elgin. Can't check out details until next week but I will forward to you if you haven't received any info by then.
    Jerry M


    • John D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • November 30, 1979
      • 5507

      Re: 1963 360HP cam and solid lifters

      Jerry Cosler and others. I heard the other day that Summit Racing has the E-900 P cam (097 12-18 cam) for about $100.00
      Tha'ts dirt cheap friends. Elgin sells whole sale. Not retail I am told.

      Almost forgot. Jeff Reade in CA has a wonderful '097 replacement cam. American Motor Mysteries is his business name.
      Most of you know Jeff.


      • James G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1976
        • 1556

        Re: 1963 360HP cam and solid lifters

        Originally posted by John DeGregory (2855)
        Jerry Cosler and others. I heard the other day that Summit Racing has the E-900 P cam (097 12-18 cam) for about $100.00
        Tha'ts dirt cheap friends. Elgin sells whole sale. Not retail I am told.

        JEFF SHOP # in California Pacific Time 310-397-3800. email Jeff Reade <americanmotoringmemories@yahoo.com>

        Almost forgot. Jeff Reade in CA has a wonderful '097 replacement cam. American Motor Mysteries is his business name.
        Most of you know Jeff.
        JEFF SHOP # 310-397-3800. PACIFIC TIME. EMAIL IS Jeff Reade <americanmotoringmemories@yahoo.com>
        Over 80 Corvettes of fun ! Love Rochester Fuel Injection 57-65 cars. Love CORVETTE RACE CARS


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