2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems - NCRS Discussion Boards

2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

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  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17457

    Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

    Melling video on lifter problems prior to 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK-zC17-Kx8
    NCRS Texas Chapter



    • William F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 9, 2009
      • 1354

      Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

      Guess my ADD must have kicked in. I didn't see any reference to pre 2019 lifter problems in the Melling video.


      • Gary C.
        • October 1, 1982
        • 17457

        Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

        Video was posted to YouTube on Nov 12, 2018 - date is on the left hand side, below the video player
        NCRS Texas Chapter



        • William F.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 9, 2009
          • 1354

          Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

          I did reread the article and I then saw the date. Thanks
          Seems the 2019 one ones do have the most problems, though. Deciding whether to install the Range module.


          • Paul D.
            Very Frequent User
            • September 30, 1996
            • 491

            Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

            William, it is no secret about the problems, however I was not aware until I was searching for some info on my 2019 LD as to how prevalent it is. As to whether it is caused by AFM, I don't think there was a problem until after it's introduction and the failures seem to be on the bleed off lifters (be it lifter failure or bent pushrods), so I am just making a conclusion based on those facts. Lots of sad videos on YOU Tube if you are interested. As to the Range product, it was recommended to me by someone with more knowledge of the situation and I really like the improved drivability of the vehicle. I cannot say for sure it will eliminate the possibility of future failures. I will say that the failures appear much like what happens on old flat tappet engines if a lifter collapsed (bent push rod, damaged lifter), and that is essentially what the AFM lifters are doing. The difference is, the AFM have a mechanism (spring?) to keep pressure on the push rod and avoid damage. It is my personal belief that that is where the problem originates, either with deactivation or reactivation of the lifter. It is my personal belief or hope, that by eliminating that process it will save the lifters and push rods. Chip.


            • Gary C.
              • October 1, 1982
              • 17457

              Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems


              AFM was first used in 2005. High rate of failure due to excessive oil consumption through 2011 model year. As I understand it, 2012 year models were redesigned and the excessive oil consumption was mostly solved, but lifters started failing.

              Was told by a GM dealer shop manager, when I bought my new 2017 Silverado, that failures often are in the 75~80k mile range.

              A friend had a 2014 Silverado, the lifters failed and took out the cam at 85k miles.

              All the manufacturers with AFM/DFM or cylinder displacement management systems have the same type of failure problems.

              NCRS Texas Chapter



              • Patrick S.
                Very Frequent User
                • December 31, 1987
                • 209

                Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                the cylinder deactivating system failed on my 2015 GMC Sierra with a 6.2 L. We were driving back from FL (snowbird) just outside Atlanta. Truck had 55,000 happy miles until then. End results was a $6200. bill and 60 day wait. Dealer did split for a rental so we could go back to Fl. I did get a Range and it works well BUT the truck will not pass the MA emission inspection so I have to take the Range off for about a week before reinspection.
                Upside is that the local dealer (Battles on the Cape) did refund me $2500 for the overcharge in GA.
                If there was a Toyota Dealer in the area I would have been driving a Tundra.


                • Frank D.
                  • December 26, 2007
                  • 2703

                  Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                  Originally posted by Patrick Slosek (12382)
                  the cylinder deactivating system failed on my 2015 GMC Sierra with a 6.2 L. We were driving back from FL (snowbird) just outside Atlanta. Truck had 55,000 happy miles until then. End results was a $6200. bill and 60 day wait. Dealer did split for a rental so we could go back to Fl. I did get a Range and it works well BUT the truck will not pass the MA emission inspection so I have to take the Range off for about a week before reinspection.
                  Upside is that the local dealer (Battles on the Cape) did refund me $2500 for the overcharge in GA.
                  If there was a Toyota Dealer in the area I would have been driving a Tundra.
                  Uh - not to dash your dreams (nor stray too far off topic) but the later V-8 Tundras have their own issues (I have a 2013); the dreaded "cam tower leak"; crappy factory gaskets cause an oil leak which eventually gets down on the exhaust manifold and soon you are driving a smelly, leaking, smoking mess.

                  My truck had the issue about 4,000 miles out of warranty, to their credit Toyota fixed it as a "customer outreach" repair for free - normally about a $5,000+ dealer repair. There are rumors there will be a factory recall on the issue, we'll see:

                  PSA: If you have a later Tundra V-8 get it down to the dealer to get this checked even if you do NOT have the symptoms above (that's what I did).

                  If you can get past that though, there is no reason a properly maintained Tundra won't get 250,000 miles on it without issue.

                  Apologize for the Off Topic.


                  • William F.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 9, 2009
                    • 1354

                    Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                    Most problems I hear of ARE for 2019,2020, 2021. Might be getting too excited to go and deactivate earlier models.


                    • William F.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • June 9, 2009
                      • 1354

                      Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                      But, Melling is just talking about process for changing lifters. Didn't say cause, I believe, even though a 2017 0r 2028 video.


                      • William F.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • June 9, 2009
                        • 1354

                        Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                        Well ok, some problems earlier than 2019, but most form then on my service dept says.


                        • Richard M.
                          Super Moderator
                          • August 31, 1988
                          • 11249

                          Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                          A week ago I ordered the Range RA003B Disabler. However, after using it for a few days I had issues. I have a 2020 Sierra AT4 6.2L 10 Speed.

                          Their website Product Selector has a bug. I entered 2020 GMC Sierra 6.2L, but did not enter Trans type. It showed the RA003B device fits.

                          Well, after using it, the engine/drivetrain will surge up/down at specific speeds. Can be seen on the tach as well.

                          Back on the Range site, at the bottom of the product page, it states.... Not for 2019+ 6.2L 10 Speed Trans. I never saw that when I ordered it.

                          Then I find this quote at GMC-trucks.com from Range....

                          "Jumping in to clarify on what was said here. Our AFM/DFM Disabler does not and will not officially work for 2019+ 6.2 10-speed trucks. Some customers have ran our Disabler on their 6.2 10-speed trucks without any issues, and some reported issues with fluctuation in revs when at cruising speeds. This is the result of coding limitations that are posed by the module accessing the ECU via OBD port, hence why it can be disabled successfully with the Pulsar LT working as an inline module. "

                          The Pulsar LT is about $480 and is a programmer.

                          I'm returning my RA003B. When I spoke to them they said they're working on the 5.3/6.2L 10 speed versions. Availabilty unknown.



                          • Thomas S.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • February 6, 2016
                            • 601

                            67 427/400 Lynndale Blue Corvette https://online.flippingbook.com/view/750924569


                            • Jim D.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • June 30, 1985
                              • 2882

                              Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                              Interesting thread. I've never had a problem with my 2008 5.3 GMC and it uses no oil between changes. My 2021 C-8 has had zero issues as well.


                              • Richard M.
                                Super Moderator
                                • August 31, 1988
                                • 11249

                                Re: 2021 V8 5.3 and 6.2 Engine problems

                                Originally posted by Thomas Sutcliffe (62028)
                                2020 C8 LT3.
                                I ride in sport mode and it is surprising how often you end up in V4 but that said, the transition to and from V8 are, to date undetectable.
                                My Sierra AT4(All Terain 4WD) has 5 driving modes.

                                Trailer Haul
                                Off Road
                                Manual(+/- on the shifter handle)

                                I've experimented in all 4 non-Normal modes. I hauled my camper 1600 miles in June to NH, still here. In that trip, in Trailer Mode or Sport, it still appeared to go into V4 mode on occasion, down hills, etc. There is no V8/V4 indicator, but mine has a Cat-Back Factory Exhaust option with noticeable drone when it drops down to V4 mode so I can tell if 8 or 4. But sometimes that 10 speed does some odd hunting and it can be confusing what mode it's in. 1-6, 7 is 1:1, 8, 9, 10 Overdrives. Too many IMO, but I guess that's why I can get 23.5 MPG empty @ highway speeds. Nice perk.

                                The only sure way to stay in V8 mode is Manual shift mode on this model. But cumbersome at times. However, it was a great feature when going up and down the Green Mountains of Vermont in the rain when heading east from Niagara Falls.

                                I wish there was a add-on indicator for 8 vs 4 mode, like earlier models.



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