Chip Werstein #2437 Passed

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  • Don H.
    • June 17, 2009
    • 2200

    Chip Werstein #2437 Passed

    Chip Werstein no. 2437, member since May 1979, passed away last week. His Chips Garage (at his house) in Canoga Park CA was a club house for any and all Corvette lovers, especially the C1s and mid years. He was most active in the Solid Axle Corvette Club. He completed many restorations, including at least one air box 57. There will be a celebration of his life at Chips Garage on July 24th (right after the Convention). All who knew him are invited to stop by.
  • Mike E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 1975
    • 5106

    Re: Chip Werstein #2437 Passed

    I am sorry to hear that. He has been a friend since 1981. He was the person that suggested that my clapped out old 62 might have been the race car on the front of the 1962 Corvette News. RIP, Chip.


    • James G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1976
      • 1556

      Re: Chip Werstein #2437 Passed

      Great guy, and family . Jenni his wife was active in all Corvette activities since day one. I will miss him and his knowledge.
      Over 80 Corvettes of fun ! Love Rochester Fuel Injection 57-65 cars. Love CORVETTE RACE CARS


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