1959 Kick Panel

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  • Tony M.
    • September 1, 2010
    • 102

    1959 Kick Panel

    I hope everyone is well!

    I have decided to paint the inside of my car Black. Car was originally Turquoise and re-painted Black forty years ago. I changed seat and carpet to red but because of the difficulties in matching reds, I have decided to go Black.

    Question: Kick Panels and trays, were they painted glossy black of Satin Black?

    Thanks to all!

  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • September 1, 1988
    • 11243

    Re: 1959 Kick Panel


    All interior lacquer was simply shot and left to dry, and unbuffed. This left it a soft shade, not overly glossy.



    • Tony M.
      • September 1, 2010
      • 102

      Re: 1959 Kick Panel

      Thanks Richard, SEM paints are all purchased!



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