Auto Electric Service in North Florida - NCRS Discussion Boards

Auto Electric Service in North Florida

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  • Scott S.
    Infrequent User
    • December 31, 2004
    • 26

    Auto Electric Service in North Florida

    Hello everyone.

    Does anyone know of an auto electric repair shop in the Tallahassee/North Florida that can handle older (1960) Vettes. The Vette specialist in this area no longer works on cars and Im looking for a good electric service shop.

    Scott Scearce
  • John W.
    • October 31, 1974
    • 5050

    Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida


    The electric system on C1 Corvettes is so simple you shouldn't need a specialist to find or fix most issues. Tell us what you are having a problem with and someone here can probably tell you how to fix it yourself.


    • Scott S.
      Infrequent User
      • December 31, 2004
      • 26

      Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

      I have 2 issues. One is the dashboard lights have faded out as you go from right to left. And the main one is my left front and rear turn signals dont work any more.


      • John W.
        • October 31, 1974
        • 5050

        Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

        The headlight switch controls the dash lights brightness. There is a rheostat built into the switch. You can unplug and remove the switch. Next bend the tabs up and remove the cover. Spray some contact cleaner on the wire wound rheostat and the contact that sweeps across it. That may be all you need. If you have an ohm meter or friend that does connect it across the dash light contacts and see if the resistance changes by turning the switch knob back and forth.

        The turn signal lights are controlled by the contacts inside the steering column. Remove the steering wheel and check the contacts. See if any are broken. If not clean them well and watch how they work as you turn the wheel back and forth with the switch engaged. If they are broken you can purchase a replacement from about any vendor.


        • Scott S.
          Infrequent User
          • December 31, 2004
          • 26

          Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

          Thanks John.


          • Gary C.
            • October 1, 1982
            • 17457

            Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

            John's suggestions are spot on.

            Your turn signals could be a ground problem if you don't find any problems in the steering column. You can test by clipping a ground wire from the negative battery terminal to the park and tail light bolts. If they light up, then you have a wiring harness ground problem to trace out.

            NCRS Texas Chapter



            • Frank D.
              • December 26, 2007
              • 2703

              Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

              If your brake lights work on that side, its prob not a ground. Brakes and turn signals use the same filament in the bulb and the same ground.

              A quick check of the turn signals is to back up to a reflective surface and with the key on and foot on the brake jiggle the turn signal handle, if the lights start to blink the problem is in the switch (highly likely) and I have several good articles on fixing that issue. Do this check before tearing into the steering column. If you DO need to get into the turn signal switch, get yourself a set of "clutch head" screwdrivers first:

              ANOTHER THING to check is the two ivory plastic connector bundles under the steering column, make sure the wires are pushed TIGHLTY into the connectors on each side, I've had them come loose and screw things up (middle of picture to the left of steering column).

              As to the dash bulb fade, are you saying the bulbs get dimmer as you scan the gauges from left to right ?
              That would be odd as the power for all the "gray wire" dash lights comes from the same source, If that is the case perhaps a bulb (or two) has slipped out of its socket.

              Worst case, look up some members of the Florida NCRS in your area and see if they can get you a lead on some tech help.
              Yes, the C1 electricals are primitive but the average electrical tech is prob half the age of your car and a mechanical turn signal switch will probably put him in a catatonic state.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Frank D.; May 3, 2021, 07:11 AM.


              • Scott S.
                Infrequent User
                • December 31, 2004
                • 26

                Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

                Thanks guys. Several good things to look at!
                Todays project.


                • Frank D.
                  • December 26, 2007
                  • 2703

                  Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

                  The two connectors (if my poor eyesight is correct) are inside the red square and you can see they come straight off the the turn signal switch.
                  Attached Files


                  • Edward J.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • September 15, 2008
                    • 6940

                    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


                    • Scott S.
                      Infrequent User
                      • December 31, 2004
                      • 26

                      Re: Auto Electric Service in North Florida

                      Sure enough Ed. It was the front bulb. I noticed if the front bulb is dead the flasher module does not click for that side. Even if the rear bulb is not good the module will click if the front bulb is good. Thanks for that! Moving onto the dashboard light problem next.


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