carpet on the jack storage compartment board

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  • William G.
    Frequent User
    • May 1, 1984
    • 95

    carpet on the jack storage compartment board

    I am about to start a replacement of the carpet in my C2 roadster. One question though, what side of the Masonite storage compartment board is the side to apply contact cement? There is a rough side and a smooth side. I would like to hear from a C2judge as to which is the correct side to leave exposed.

  • Stephen L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 1984
    • 3146

    Re: carpet on the jack storage compartment board

    Smooth side is exposed.


    • Joe R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 1, 1976
      • 4546

      Re: carpet on the jack storage compartment board

      William, here is a pic so you can make up your own mind!

      And yes I have judged BUT don't consider myself a expert!



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