Original "Unused" 1967 Lug Nuts, GM # 358301 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Original "Unused" 1967 Lug Nuts, GM # 358301

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  • David L.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 3310

    Original "Unused" 1967 Lug Nuts, GM # 358301

    While looking for other parts in my garage attic I came across a pair of original "unused" 3/4" hex 7/16"-20 lug nuts sealed in a small plastic bag that I removed from a 1967 Corvair (glass code "GZ" = April 1967) decades ago. The lug nuts were in the spare tire area of the Corvair screwed onto 2 studs. It appears that the lug nuts were never used to actually mount a tire on the Corvair. Note that in photo #1 the flat outside surface is covered with many small "dimples" which were obviously stamped on during the manufacturing process. Over the past 40 or so years I have noticed these "dimples" on some lug nuts when I have removed wheels of Chevrolet models in the salvage yards but never really thought much about it. I just did some research on the web and found a set of NOS GM # 358301 lug nuts for sale on eBay (not mine). The aftermarket 3/4" hex 7/16" X 20 lug nuts do not have these "dimples".
    I thought this was interesting so I thought that I would share this tidbit of information.

  • Michael M.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 1993
    • 597

    Re: Original "Unused" 1967 Lug Nuts, GM # 358301

    This was one style of lug nut used for C2's. I call the lug nuts you have a waffle design.


    • David L.
      • July 31, 1980
      • 3310

      Re: Original "Unused" 1967 Lug Nuts, GM # 358301

      Below is a link to an eBay auction (not mine) for 20 GM # 358301 lug nuts. The seller called them "waffle" lug nuts as well.
      I assume that there was another manufacturer that sold 3/4" 7/16-20 lug nuts to GM.

      Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!


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