67 carpet original vs.reproduced

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  • Robert B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1992
    • 260

    67 carpet original vs.reproduced

    pickup a 67 recently and the interior is completely original. front carpets were shot but the rear coupe compartment carpets are just little faded.I pick up a new set of reproduced carpet from a member that he had sitting around in the box for quite sometime.
    I matched up the jackboard cover carpet to the new reproduced carpet and it looks the same to me ?
    Anyone have any thoughts on this . thanks
  • Alan D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 2005
    • 2016

    Re: 67 carpet original vs.reproduced

    Carpet weave changed sometimes in the late 70's (guess on that), most likely before any repo carpets were made - so repo carpets used the newer and better weave.
    If rear is still in good shape you may want to consider just a dye, see other threads on that for product.

    Lately I've heard members discussing the issue and NOW claim that the original weave vs new weave will not get a date deduct, so it may be that your repo carpet will be good to go. Lots of other details to consider - I'm just thinking about the weave. MY direction would be to keep all the original carpet that it still good.


    • Paul S.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 1, 1982
      • 351

      Re: 67 carpet original vs.reproduced

      Is it black ?
      Pm me , i may have some original i could help you with


      • Robert B.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 1, 1992
        • 260

        Re: 67 carpet original vs.reproduced

        thanks. my point is that the repo carpet looks just like the original ? Yes its Black.
        A lot easier to dye (I think) the rear compartment even thou I have a complete set of replacements.
        gonna need front carpet for a 65 vert if you have Thanks


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