95 ZR-1 glass dates side windows HELP

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 2007
    • 524

    95 ZR-1 glass dates side windows HELP

    My 95 ZR-1 has side windows dated CN 3 and CY3 Yes, I have read page 99 of the current judging guide
    serial #00003 build sheet date 08/30/94 door jam 9/94 appears to be a GM executive's car new
    All indications are both windows are original windshield and rear glass dates make sense but what are these side window dates ???
    I am looking for a N for 94 and I,U or T for month
    Appreciate some help from a good judge
    Thanks Bob
    EZ Kook LOF AS-2 CN-3
    DOT 15 M100
  • David H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 2001
    • 1430

    Re: 95 ZR-1 glass dates side windows HELP

    Originally posted by Bob Brewer (967)
    My 95 ZR-1 has side windows dated CN 3 and CY3 Yes, I have read page 99 of the current judging guide
    serial #00003 build sheet date 08/30/94 door jam 9/94 appears to be a GM executive's car new
    All indications are both windows are original windshield and rear glass dates make sense but what are these side window dates ???
    I am looking for a N for 94 and I,U or T for month
    Appreciate some help from a good judge
    Thanks Bob
    EZ Kook LOF AS-2 CN-3
    DOT 15 M100

    "CN" - November 1994. "CY" - November 1995. Your "-3" is a LOF manufacturing plant identifier.

    Dates indicate this side glass was replaced at some time. Standard Deduction Guideline #4 would indicate (from your description) a 20% Originality deduction, or about 5 points.

    Expect this glass was produced in batches, hence full credit for glass dated within 12 months prior to assembly. No reason to limit a search to I, U or T for month. In-any-case. vs cost of replacement, point loss seems minimal for Flight Judging.

    If fit and window operation is ok, I'd leave them alone.

    Last edited by David H.; March 6, 2021, 08:11 PM.
    Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter


    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 31, 2007
      • 524

      Re: 95 ZR-1 glass dates side windows HELP

      THANKS Bob


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