C2 Trailing arm rebuild instructions

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  • Steve F.
    • December 9, 2020
    • 38

    C2 Trailing arm rebuild instructions

    This is where I'm at today. Mostly just disassembled and ready for final cleaning, paint and assembly.
    So has anyone written up an assembly paper for the trailing arms? I have the assembly tools and plenty of YouTube videos for setting the bearing preload. Or is the reassembly pretty straight forward?

    0224211526 (2).jpg
  • Gary R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1989
    • 1785

    Re: C2 Trailing arm rebuild instructions

    Most of the Youtube videos are not too good. You need to approach it better then by feel as some show. The common spec floated out there is 002" endplay but that can be deceptive as once you reach 002" you can still have lateral play in the bearings and that will show up as play with the rotor on and pressing at 3 & 9. At 003" endplay you can feel movement pushing/pulling on the studs. I wrote a paper on it years ago but don't know if it's still out there and I don't have a saved copy.

    Make sure the arms are not bent or rotted. Axles not undersize , twisted threads, or damage from previous mechanics. Caliper brackets not bent or stripped holes, Bushings fully compressed and staked. You weld the seams better if you like.

    I can be reached at gtrvette1999@gmail.com if you want to go over specific questions.


    • Steve F.
      • December 9, 2020
      • 38

      Re: C2 Trailing arm rebuild instructions

      Originally posted by Gary Ramadei (14833)
      Make sure the arms are not bent or rotted. Axles not undersize , twisted threads, or damage from previous mechanics. Caliper brackets not bent or stripped holes, Bushings fully compressed and staked. You weld the seams better if you like.
      These are the items I'm specifically looking for. There is some damage to both of these arms from Bubbas bearing repair.

      Its easy enough to buy two new arms. I'd rather try to measure and straighten these first. This is why I was looking for some instructions or papers from this board. These are always full of detailed information for this kind of repair.


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