Star Spangled Corvette - Bethel, CT

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  • Tom M.
    Frequent User
    • November 1, 1995
    • 86

    Star Spangled Corvette - Bethel, CT

    Whatever happened to Star Spangled Corvette? Located in Connecticut just south of Danberry.

  • Drew P.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 1977
    • 180

    Re: Star Spangled Corvette - Bethel, CT

    Originally posted by Tom Mackie (26922)
    Whatever happened to Star Spangled Corvette? Located in Connecticut just south of Danberry.

    Hello Tom,
    Billy Ross had his shop in Bethel, CT.
    He retired several years ago.
    Contact me at 203-847-4678 home
    Drew Papsun


    • Ron G.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1984
      • 861

      Re: Star Spangled Corvette - Bethel, CT

      Tom & Drew,

      I don't know if this is the same car, but there was a 1970 Corvette from Wallingford in the early seventies owned by a guy named Mondo. He was President of the Eastern Connecticut Corvette Club. I don't remember Mondo's last name, but he passed away a few years ago. - Ron


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