Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

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  • Alexander D.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 10, 2015
    • 110

    Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

    I'm wanting to 'enhance' my '67 coupe with a set of reproduction Bolt-on wheels. Of course I'd love to have an original set, but the asking prices for these are now stratospheric. I'm looking for info on which are the closest, most accurate reproductions of the original N89 K-H wheels available today. I'm not trying to fool a judge. I just want the wheels to complement my car by being a close facscimile (tribute) to the original N89 wheels. I see older repros out there, some pretty clumsy looking with thicker fins. I want wheels that are not like that.

    It seems the only two choices for new repro bolt-on wheels today are those made by Corvette America (CA), and America's Finest (AF).

    The CA wheels are readily available from a number of vendors. I've heard the current ersion (Gen IV) of these wheels are superior to the older repros, with correct thinner fins and gray paint. The CA wheels use the OEM starburst attachment system of 4 spring clips to a hub bolted to the wheel face.

    The other repro N89 wheels are sold by America's Finest Corvettes, in Ramona CA. I spoke to the owner Mike Mermelstein who went on at length about how his wheels are superior because they're the closest copy to the N89 wheel on the market and because the starburst retention system is superior. In his wheels, the starbursts are bolted to an adapter instead of held on with spring clips. All sounded good to me, but I realize he wants to make a sale. I note his wheel set is hundreds of dollars more expensive than the CA wheels.

    So, can anyone commment on which vendor sells the most accurate N89 wheel reproductions today?

    Is the higher cost for the AF wheels justified in their quality, accuracy, and starburst retention system?

    Anyone willing to share their experience with either the CA or AF bolt-on wheels is appreciated!

  • Patrick B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 1, 1985
    • 1980



    • Keith B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2014
      • 1555

      Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

      Originally posted by Patrick Boyd (9110)
      I have the America’s Finest on my 67. The Canada documentation for the car said it actually came with bolt-ons so their price was much more attractive than looking for originals. I like them, and the retention system for the star bursts takes the worry out of them coming off. The threaded holes for the star burst bracket look like they may be the same as the holes for the stock system if anyone really wanted that. My only gripe is that the plating on some of the caps is starting to peel in spots. I may talk to Mike about that. I have had them at about five years but some of that time was before the body was placed on the chassis, and they have rarely been out of my garage. I think they look very original but I haven’t looked hard at the new CA wheels.
      my dad bought a set of them right after Mike made them well over ten years ago and they still look like new. my gripe is the center section is plastic. But my understanding is they are made of metal now. i would buy anther set over CA wheels


      • Alexander D.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 10, 2015
        • 110

        Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

        Thanks Patrick for your comments on the America's Finest wheels.

        Are the caps on your wheels metal, or plastic? I read somewhere that the AF caps (with red and the Chevy logo) were initially made from plastic, but perhaps later changed to chromed metal. Which do your wheels have?


        • Patrick B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 1, 1985
          • 1980

          Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

          The star bursts are metal. They are quite heavy so I see why the people are concerned about the retention of the original snap on brackets. The caps are chrome plated aluminum. They are pretty beefy too.


          • Gary B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • February 1, 1997
            • 6851

            Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

            Does anyone know if the details on how the bolt-on spinner is attached that were described in the 2016 post by Jim Durham still are correct?


            • Patrick B.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 1, 1985
              • 1980

              Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67

              Originally posted by Gary Beaupre (28818)
              Does anyone know if the details on how the bolt-on spinner is attached that were described in the 2016 post by Jim Durham still are correct?

              The stamped steel bracket shown for the AFC wheels is what is used for the 67 star bursts.


              • Gary B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • February 1, 1997
                • 6851

                Re: Feedback on repro 'N89 Bolt-on wheels for '67


                Thanks for the clarification.



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