65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

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  • Dennis C.
    Frequent User
    • July 31, 1989
    • 44

    65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

    When the window sticker was printed ,was there a set order for the options to be printed .(example power brakes, before power steering) And is there a posted internet source of how the order of the options were printed on the dealer window sticker?
    Thanks, Dennis.
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

    Alphabetical order in the Corvette Black Book.
    Attached Files


    • Dennis C.
      Frequent User
      • July 31, 1989
      • 44

      Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

      John thanks for posting the option list. From what I have seen on window stickers that are reported to be original on the internet there is no rhyme or reason in what order the options were printed on the window at the factory.
      Thanks, Dennis.


      • Steve F.
        • December 8, 2020
        • 38

        Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

        There ARE window stickers to be found on the internet?
        Im still trying to find a build sheet or window sticker for our 65 Coupe


        • Mark F.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • July 31, 1998
          • 1408

          Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

          Originally posted by Dennis Consalvo (15632)
          When the window sticker was printed ,was there a set order for the options to be printed .(example power brakes, before power steering) And is there a posted internet source of how the order of the options were printed on the dealer window sticker? Thanks, Dennis.
          (2) the retail delivered price suggested by the manufacturer for each accessory or item of optional equipment, physically attached to such automobile at the time of its delivery to such dealer, which is not included within the price of such automobile as stated pursuant to paragraph (1);
          (3) the amount charged, if any, to such dealer for the transportation of such automobile to the location at which it is delivered to such dealer; and
          (4) the total of the amounts specified pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), and (3);


          • Dennis C.
            Frequent User
            • July 31, 1989
            • 44

            Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

            Hi, Mark
            Your post brings a lot of clarity to the background of info about how the factory printed the new vehicle window sticker .
            I am planning to have a reproduction window sticker printed for my 65 and wanted to present the option list correctly to the vendor. I will just list the items to the vendor as I prefer.
            Just wondering of you know if the post 1967 tank stickers info was listed in the same order as the window sticker?


            • Harry S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 31, 2002
              • 5204

              Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

              I had a window sticker made for my 63, this is order I used.

              30867S113356 for email.jpg


              • Dennis C.
                Frequent User
                • July 31, 1989
                • 44

                Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

                That is a good reference point for me.
                My 65 has a close option list to your 63.
                Thanks ,Dennis


                • Mark F.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • July 31, 1998
                  • 1408

                  Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

                  Originally posted by Dennis Consalvo (15632)
                  Hi, Mark Your post brings a lot of clarity to the background of info about how the factory printed the new vehicle window sticker. I am planning to have a reproduction window sticker printed for my 65 and wanted to present the option list correctly to the vendor. I will just list the items to the vendor as I prefer. Just wondering of you know if the post 1967 tank stickers info was listed in the same order as the window sticker? Thanks, Dennis
                  Hi Dennis,

                  Interesting. I never thought of that. I had a repro window sticker made ~20 years ago and have no idea where it is right now . Anyhow, I have to believe that because the window sticker was Federally-required, I'll bet (and my bet means nothing, BTW) that the Corvette Order Copy (aka Tank Sticker) in-Plant "software programming" was probably linked in some way to the printing of the required window sticker that GM (and all other manufacturers) was/were required to provide. It may also have some semblance of coordination with the Tank Sticker order of standard and optional equipment.

                  What I also find amusing in the case of my Tank Sticker is that converting a 390hp to 400HP + adding OFFROAD exhaust are listed under "Comfort & Convenience". Huh? how is OFFROAD C&C?

                  Anyhow, if I find my repro window sticker, I'm interested if it was in the same order as my tank sticker - as I'm sure that is what I supplied to have it produced. PS - I'm aware '63s to '66s did not have Tank Stickers, so I'm not sure this is relevant to your car or not...just thought I'd offer this as another "data point"...

                  Tank Sticker - Option codes Order only.jpg


                  • Dennis C.
                    Frequent User
                    • July 31, 1989
                    • 44

                    Re: 65 c2 dealer window sticker option list sequence ?

                    On the tank sticker you show it appears that the first 10 option choices had a set designated position on the order sheet.
                    The rest seem to be randomly listed. That 67 vette is one great car to own.


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