65 Coupe upper and rear window channels - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

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  • Dave K.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1999
    • 950

    65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

    As I finish my body off restoration of my coupe, I made the mistake of removing the OEM upper and rear window channels and replacing them with reproductions. What a mistake! My research has disclosed that Corvette Central and Volunteer Vette make the reproduction channels that are very poor. The stainless bead is 1/2 the diameter of the original and very flimsy. I rined a pair trying to install them as the fiber breaks away from the bead very easily. I have also found that pushing the rear side bubble clips into the door holes is difficult as the bubble placement is off. Tried using a punch cenetered on the fiber side of the channel to try to push the bubble clip into the door. What a job.

    Any tips are welcomed.

    Happy New Year
    ​​​​​​​Dave Kitch
  • Dave K.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 31, 1999
    • 950

    Re: 65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

    Evidently no one on this board has experienced this problem?

    Dave K.


    • William B.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 30, 1975
      • 939

      Re: 65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

      Dave , years ago I used a set from Paragon, not sure where they sourced it from, but I had no problems. I just reused my originals, they reinstalled perfectly


      • Joe R.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1976
        • 4547

        Re: 65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

        Lets see now! You used a set from Paragon and then reused your originals. Glad they reinstalled perfectly I have used a set from Volunteer Vette and they installed perfectly also!



        • William B.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 30, 1975
          • 939

          Re: 65 Coupe upper and rear window channels

          Joe, I had used the repo set from paragon tears ago on a 66 coupe. Most recent I reused my originals on my 65 coupe restoration. Both worked fine without problems, just patience required as always.


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