66 tanker

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  • Ron G.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 1984
    • 861

    Re: 66 tanker

    Michael, Just an FYI - Several years ago around 1992 or 1993, my Dad and I performed an engine and chassis restoration on a Nassau Blue 66 tanker which at the time was owned by Paul Noble. We removed the body from the frame, but did not touch the exterior paint and interior. This car had a dark blue interior. I can dig up the VIN, but that would have to be off line and not to be submitted on the DB. - Ron


    • Michael J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 27, 2009
      • 7031

      Re: 66 tanker

      PM sent. Let me know. I just found the trim tag and noticed this one's interior is dark blue, my color is off on my computer, it looked black, sorry.
      Last edited by Michael J.; October 28, 2020, 02:43 PM.
      Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


      • Steven B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 1, 1982
        • 3936

        Re: 66 tanker

        Sounds like a scam I came across years ago for a '68 Firebird. Owner was US citizen working in Portugal, car in US, great pics., put $ in escrow. The location of the car was bogus, the car and exact pics were previously online, I contacted that seller and he advised me who he sold it to, I contacted him in the US and he still had the car and it was not for sale. As said if you can't put your hands on it and verify the owner then don't touch it. I did get an interesting email from a prince who told me about $2,000,000 due me and I only have to send $2,000 cashier check to Nigeria! My lucky day! I'm gonna be rich!!


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