Indexed (alphabetical) listing of the contents of recent TIM&JG editions? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Indexed (alphabetical) listing of the contents of recent TIM&JG editions?

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  • Tom D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 30, 1981
    • 2110

    Indexed (alphabetical) listing of the contents of recent TIM&JG editions?

    I am impressed with the indexing included in the back of the new 1968-1969 TIM&JG. Thanks to the dedicated C3 guys. I see the '70-'72 fifth edition has an index also. And, I see one in the back of the 1967 TIM&JG. (I searched here and found a reference to Mr. Cola's PDF; An index for the '63-'64 guide. I probably missed other such discussions.)

    My question is: Are there other indexes out there, not included as part of the NCRS printed judging guides?

    As we split up Interior, Exterior, Mechanical, Chassis and Operations sections into separate booklets, we like to put the index in with each of the five, or add copies to the booklets we already have split up.

    Which years/which guys might have available copy?
    The effort might be wasted if new editions already have, or are about to include a new index. Which other years already have an index?

    Finally, if the table of contents (TOC) is available electronic form for 1965, and not already sorted by someone else, I'd do that one...
    Michigan Chapter
    Tom Dingman
  • Ed S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 6, 2014
    • 1370

    Re: Indexed (alphabetical) listing of the contents of recent TIM&JG editions?

    Tom, I did a comprehensive index for the '64 AIM a while back - it is available to anyone that wants it for the asking.


    • Tom D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 30, 1981
      • 2110

      Re: Indexed (alphabetical) listing of the contents of recent TIM&JG editions?

      Originally posted by Ed Szeliga (60294)
      Tom, I did a comprehensive index for the '64 AIM a while back - it is available to anyone that wants it for the asking.
      Thanks Ed - I saw that and printed it.
      Michigan Chapter
      Tom Dingman


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