1969 L36 M20 AC Coupe Pedal Assembly Removal - NCRS Discussion Boards

1969 L36 M20 AC Coupe Pedal Assembly Removal

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  • Phil W.
    Infrequent User
    • August 25, 2019
    • 7

    1969 L36 M20 AC Coupe Pedal Assembly Removal

    Hello folks, I'm really happy to have rejoined NCRS last year and be back into Corvettes. I bought my first Corvette in 1976 ('70 350/300 M20 Conv). In 1983, I bought my first C2 ('64 327/300 M20 Coupe). Both were numbers matching original cars; I had both for about 20 years but sold both years ago to devote more time to my family. Our three kids are all now adults and I've come full circle having purchased last year another C2 ('66 Nassau Blue L79 M21 Coupe) and recently a project C3 ('69 Daytona Yellow L36 M20 Coupe).

    My request for help is with regard to the '69. Upon purchase, the body was removed from the chassis and the interior was partially disassembled. The chassis is essentially done with the mechanicals thoroughly inspected and correctly rebuilt. The interior is now essentially gutted but I am struggling to remove the pedal assembly / bracket. I have removed the steering column and associated support brackets - they are not interfering with the task at hand.

    The pedal assembly / bracket - I am down to 3 fasteners - the two horizontally oriented carriage bolts that are left and right of the brake pushrod (bolt heads are inside and are "backed' by tabs on the bracket to prevent head rotation - the master cylinder slides over these studs and receives nuts in the engine bay). With these in place the bracket can not be slid down vertically. In conflict (from a bracket removal perspective) with these is a single 'blind' stud (call it the mystery stud) coming through the top of the bracket from above. Because the interior was partially disassembled by others, I do not know if there should be a nut on that stud holding the bracket up but that's not my concern currently. The point is this: the vertically oriented mystery stud will not allow for the bracket to move rearward and the two master cylinder carriage bolts won't allow the bracket to be lowered. For what it's worth, the four bolts from the cowl area have been removed but the support plate that those bolts penetrate is still in place. (It appears to be riveted, not sure, maybe that needs to be removed to access the mystery stud?)

    I have looked on line and studied my assembly manual and am failing to find information regarding the vertical stud so I know how to remove the bracket. Honestly, I feel like I am missing something very simple / basic but so far I'm mystified.

    Help please. Thank you again!
  • Phil W.
    Infrequent User
    • August 25, 2019
    • 7

    Re: 1969 L36 M20 AC Coupe Pedal Assembly Removal

    I guess it's OK to post the answer to your own question? (jk) I decided the pedal bracket tabs retaining the master cylinder (MC) carriage bolts were ok to bend back some so I put nuts on the MC bolts and tapped them lightly thereby using the carriage bolt heads to push the bracket tabs out. I only tapped them enough (about 45 deg.) so that I could remove the bolts and drop the bracket down and then out. I still have no idea what the small vertical stud's purpose is but at least the pedal bracket assembly is now removed. Maybe all of that will help someone out in the future. Thanks.


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