*** '68 technical information manual & judging guide *** - NCRS Discussion Boards

*** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

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  • Blair K.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 27, 2012
    • 170

    *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

    Hello all. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Always wanted to order a '68 TIM & JG. Now is the time.

    Just curious - is the 6th edition just around the corner?? I want the most up to date edition or do I just order the current available 5th edition??

    Correct me if I am wrong - I believe the 5th edition was released in 2017(??)

    Thank - you. Take care - stay safe.

    *** OK - I stand corrected - just checked on the online store - 6th edition is out and available. I guess the question now is the 7th edition just around the corner - again, would like the most current edition. *** Thank - you.
    Last edited by Blair K.; September 4, 2020, 10:45 AM.
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15543

    Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

    Originally posted by Blair Kaytar (55498)
    Hello all. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Always wanted to order a '68 TIM & JG. Now is the time.

    Just curious - is the 6th edition just around the corner?? I want the most up to date edition or do I just order the current available 5th edition??

    Correct me if I am wrong - I believe the 5th edition was released in 2017(??)

    Thank - you. Take care - stay safe.

    *** OK - I stand corrected - just checked on the online store - 6th edition is out and available. I guess the question now is the 7th edition just around the corner - again, would like the most current edition. *** Thank - you.
    The 5th Edition is dated 2017, as you stated.

    6th Edition is just available now, as your PS stated. You will find the 6th Edition dated 2020. Therefore 2020 - 2017 = 3 years. Then 2020 + 3 = 2023.

    Blair, please define "around the corner."


    • Blair K.
      Very Frequent User
      • September 27, 2012
      • 170

      Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

      Hello Terry. Thanks for replying - much appreciated. With the 6th edition dated 2020 - that will be the one I will order.

      If I am reading/understanding this correct - will the 7th edition come out in 2023?? Are the TIM & JGs' usually updated approx every 3 years??

      Thanks in advance.


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • September 30, 1980
        • 15543

        Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

        Originally posted by Blair Kaytar (55498)
        Hello Terry. Thanks for replying - much appreciated. With the 6th edition dated 2020 - that will be the one I will order.

        If I am reading/understanding this correct - will the 7th edition come out in 2023?? Are the TIM & JGs' usually updated approx every 3 years??

        Thanks in advance.
        I am not in a position to predict when the next revision to the 1968-69 manual will be produced. I doubt anyone else is either. That said, the amount of work that goes into revising these manuals make it unlikely another will be produced sooner than three years, and it may be much longer than that. Generally, the time between manual revisions reflects the need for revisions. The more revisions needed, the sooner the revision.

        These manuals are produced by volunteers. There are thousands of hours, and thousands of miles traveled to study Corvettes, done by dozens of people that go into a revision. There are hundreds of photographs as well. For every photograph in the manual there are probably another half dozen that are rejected for various technical reasons. Some of those people listed in the front of the manual get tired of that "work." Recruiting them for another go at it takes the talents of a superior individual. We all need a rest now and then.


        • Blair K.
          Very Frequent User
          • September 27, 2012
          • 170

          Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

          Thank - you, sir. I will order my TIM & JG now.

          A big thank - you all who gather info, pictures and put these books with new revisions together. I can not image the amount of work that goes into it.



          • Tom R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 30, 1993
            • 4067

            Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

            Originally posted by Blair Kaytar (55498)
            Are the TIM & JGs' usually updated approx every 3 years?
            Now that's funny! Study the history and then draw the conclusion based on the data. Fortunately you working with a group of enthusiasts that keep after it.
            Tom Russo

            78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
            78 Pace Car L82 M21
            00 MY/TR/Conv


            • Terry M.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • September 30, 1980
              • 15543

              Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

              Originally posted by Blair Kaytar (55498)
              Thank - you, sir. I will order my TIM & JG now.

              A big thank - you all who gather info, pictures and put these books with new revisions together. I can not image the amount of work that goes into it.

              Thank you, but I want to make it clear I wasn't fishing for a compliment. That "work" we do is its own reward. If we didn't enjoy it, we wouldn't do it. The knowledge we gain is the major, and usually only, reward.

              It always amazes me that we are able to get people to spend a day judging Corvettes for a cup of coffee, a doughnut, a box lunch, a T-shirt and the ethereal judging point(s). And in some cases one or more of those rewards are lacking. Again, judging gives one more knowledge of Corvettes.

              To help produce a judging manual the reward is your name on the second page (that almost no one looks at) and a free copy of the finished manual.

              Years ago I began to tell people that "The only thing more expensive than a good education is no education." That applies to Corvettes as well as academia. How much money is spent on unneeded or unusable parts because one didn't do the "homework" before buying the parts? Then think of the cars bought that turned out to be something other than one thought because the buyer didn't do their "homework" before the purchase. That knowledge has no price.


              • David K.
                Very Frequent User
                • September 30, 1979
                • 236

                Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                The 68-69 TIMJG 6th Edition is now available in the NCRS Store.
                Hurry while supplies last.



                • Blair K.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • September 27, 2012
                  • 170

                  Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                  [/QUOTE] Years ago I began to tell people that "The only thing more expensive than a good education is no education." That applies to Corvettes as well as academia. How much money is spent on unneeded or unusable parts because one didn't do the "homework" before buying the parts? Then think of the cars bought that turned out to be something other than one thought because the buyer didn't do their "homework" before the purchase. That knowledge has no price. [/QUOTE]

                  Terry, I agree 100%. Thank - you.


                  • Blair K.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • September 27, 2012
                    • 170

                    Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                    '68 - '69 TIMJG order just placed along with a few other items from the online store. Can't wait for it to get here - looks like a good read - lots of info. Thanks everyone for the help.

                    Make it a great weekend - take care- stay safe.



                    • Terry M.
                      Beyond Control Poster
                      • September 30, 1980
                      • 15543

                      Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                      Originally posted by Tom Russo (22903)
                      Now that's funny! Study the history and then draw the conclusion based on the data. Fortunately you working with a group of enthusiasts that keep after it.
                      How many years was it between the second and third edition of the 1973-74 manuals? 15, more or less??? I am just guessing. :-)


                      • Tom R.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • June 30, 1993
                        • 4067

                        Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                        Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
                        How many years was it between the second and third edition of the 1973-74 manuals? 15, more or less??? I am just guessing. :-)
                        20 years! And we have tackled the 75-77...another 20 year hiatus.

                        What I find with these manuals is that the early editions were quickly developed based on templates of earlier years. As a result, the research basis for their development was less than exhaustive and due to the quick turn around at the time, or limited team participation; or process (use of tech forum), much relevant information to their respective production period (73/74 or 75-77) was omitted. The 75-77 2nd edition was heavily criticized by users and members for its lack of accuracy. We have revision team members who did not want their cars judged by judges using the old guides...they did not want their one-owner cars judges on that basis. We now have some very nice original, low-mileage, one owner vehicles on which to test various production changes from earlier C3s and that will be incorporated into the 3rd edition of the 75-77.

                        For example, we've concluded that by 75 production the white-shell PF-25 supply was exhausted and the blue shell was installed and shipped with 75 Corvettes. As well, orange engines were being shipped with stamp pads painted. No more of that paint wipe crap. Another consequence of this rather deliberative process is the re-engagement of the organization with its membership representative of those production years. To long-time members...it shows the organization cares.
                        Tom Russo

                        78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
                        78 Pace Car L82 M21
                        00 MY/TR/Conv


                        • David B.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • February 29, 1980
                          • 683

                          Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                          If you could have/would have inserted revision pages as the information became available a whole lot of tedious work by a few could have been avoided! 20 years between editions ??? As posted in this forum on 8/10/20 I repeat " Spiral bound judging manuals should be eliminated". The response for keeping the current system was NCRS wanted to be consistent (with out dated information?) and the inventory system would be a nightmare (??). Would be willing to volunteer to work on that one for NCRS.


                          • Tom R.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • June 30, 1993
                            • 4067

                            Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                            Originally posted by David Bartush (3288)
                            Spiral bound judging manuals should be eliminated". The response for keeping the current system was NCRS wanted to be consistent (with out dated information?) and the inventory system would be a nightmare (??).
                            So does this sentence end in a period or the double question marks...and what does that mean?

                            I might add that the AIMs were notebook bound just as you describe. But what do we have today, those that have copies. Well, one owner may have a version that shows a change that another owner (of same production year) doesn't have. The factory was pulling and exchanging pages on a regular production. What is sold by vendors is a copy at a single point in time. I'm not sure its a better system, perhaps a different system.

                            Let's say you have your system of notebook pages...do members subscribe to a particular class each year? Is there an annual charge? What if there are no page changes that year? Does the subscriber get the next year free? Or just the right to complain "there were no new changes?" Who will manage the volume of class manuals and related pages? Does the shop keeper drag pages to six regionals, as well as annual events? How does the organization collect each year...auto billing? It might be worth a well-thought out proposal of how the mechanics of such a proposal would work and make it worthy of consideration. That would be the alternative to tagging onto discussion threads and tease with your proposal.
                            Tom Russo

                            78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
                            78 Pace Car L82 M21
                            00 MY/TR/Conv


                            • David B.
                              Very Frequent User
                              • February 29, 1980
                              • 683

                              Re: *** '68 technical information manual & judging guide ***

                              My double question marks were meant as a "gentle" way of saying draw your own conclusions. I tagged onto this discussion because it relates to all classes. Can answer all your questions as well as logistic concerns however a new forum for discussion in this regard would be more appropriate. In the mean time relax and take a deep breath!!!


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