C1 fuel gauge testing

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  • William F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 10, 2009
    • 1354

    C1 fuel gauge testing

    My '62's fuel gauge doesn't work-staying on 1/4 tank-found out the hard way it's wrong. Is there a way to determine if the problem is with the gauge rather than the sending unit without having to take sending unit /float out to inspect?
  • Frank D.
    • December 27, 2007
    • 2703

    Re: C1 fuel gauge testing

    Originally posted by William Ford (50517)
    My '62's fuel gauge doesn't work-staying on 1/4 tank-found out the hard way it's wrong. Is there a way to determine if the problem is with the gauge rather than the sending unit without having to take sending unit /float out to inspect?
    John Hinckley covered this extensively in one of his excellent articles...
    Attached Files


    • William F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 10, 2009
      • 1354

      Re: C1 fuel gauge testing

      Thanks for link, frank. Will test it.


      • Joseph L.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 27, 2012
        • 153

        Re: C1 fuel gauge testing

        My gas gauge was never accurate. I changed the sender, and improved all the ground wires at the sender, inside the trunk at the left bumper bracket (1957), at the valve cover, and at the hood release. It had no effect.
        Recently, I had the gauges redone. There was a lot of paint over-spray on the mounting plate at the mounting studs and at the individual gauge mounting tabs. I cleaned/ sanded each one of these.
        Now the gauge goes to full when full, and to near empty after 160 miles.


        • James O.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 1, 1985
          • 160

          Re: C1 fuel gauge testing

          I am having a similar problem on my 1959. I read the very impressive article above by John Hinkley but before I start follow that troubleshooting path, I have a question. With a full tank my gauge will read randomly between 1/2 and full. But when i turn on the headlights the needle always moves approx 1/4" to the LEFT from wherever it was. The brake lights and directionals have no effect. But i also notice if i pull on the headlight knob and hold it all the way out,the temperature gauge will move approx 1/16" to the Right at any temperature until I release pressure from the knob. Is my best first step to clean headlight switch mounting hole and/or the gauge mounting tabs to improve the grounds? Thx, Jim


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