Bare frame with front suspension installed - NCRS Discussion Boards

Bare frame with front suspension installed

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  • Gary B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 31, 1997
    • 6905

    Bare frame with front suspension installed

    My next project is to put the front suspension onto my bare chassis. When I do that, of course the A-arms will be will be forced to their most downward position by the coil springs. I think the only thing stopping the upper A-arm from hitting the frame is the single, pointed, rubber bumper that inserts into the top of the fame. If my A-arms stay in that position for, say, 6 months, is that rubber bumper going to be destroyed by being compressed from the force of the coil spring?

  • Tom E.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 1, 2019
    • 448

    Re: Bare frame with front suspension installed

    My frame stayed that way for probably 4 months with no issues. You could leave them out and install later but you would need to either compress the springs or devise a method of jacking the LCA up while keeping the frame from moving with it.



    • Jim S.
      • March 13, 2013
      • 360

      Re: Bare frame with front suspension installed

      Originally posted by Gary Beaupre (28818)
      My next project is to put the front suspension onto my bare chassis. When I do that, of course the A-arms will be will be forced to their most downward position by the coil springs. I think the only thing stopping the upper A-arm from hitting the frame is the single, pointed, rubber bumper that inserts into the top of the fame. If my A-arms stay in that position for, say, 6 months, is that rubber bumper going to be destroyed by being compressed from the force of the coil spring?

      I can't see how that would destroy the rubber bumper. Plenty of cars have been on jack stands for 6 months at a time


      • Paul D.
        Very Frequent User
        • September 30, 1996
        • 491

        Re: Bare frame with front suspension installed

        I wouldn't worry about the bumpers. Remember to leave bushing retainer bolts loose until after final assembly when car should be closer to normal ride height. When I built my 71 the first time before I knew better, I let a frame shop rebuild the front end when car was just a body on the frame. Within a couple years after getting it on the road, all the bushings were twisted and cracking. Chip.


        • Gary B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • January 31, 1997
          • 6905

          Re: Bare frame with front suspension installed


          Yup. I started with the rear suspension and rear cross members and I already have a list of which bolts are final torqued and which ones a just more than finger light.



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