Help with C4 90 ZR-1 A/C compressor electrical connector tab- where does it clip into

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  • Chris G.
    Frequent User
    • October 23, 2006
    • 94

    Help with C4 90 ZR-1 A/C compressor electrical connector tab- where does it clip into

    Restoring my 90 ZR-1 I bought recently. Ground up restoration of a low mileage under appreciated car. I am putting the secondaries back in, the a/c compressor has a long grey electrical connector that plus into the harness under the plenum behind the compressor. I have all of that correct, the connector is plugged up and correct BUT the connector has a slide built into the connector where it would slide onto a bracket or retainer so it doesn't move. I do NOT see anywhere to fasten it. All pictures I look at including my own shows the a/c connector is in the right place. I just don't know if A. it really doesn't have a clip there and it just lays there. B. It clips on something I haven't been able to find- nothing even close C. there is a missing small bracket or plastic slide retainer. Thanks for your help!IMG_5232.jpgIMG_5231.jpgIMG_5233.jpg
  • Chris G.
    Frequent User
    • October 23, 2006
    • 94

    Re: Help with C4 90 ZR-1 A/C compressor electrical connector tab- where does it clip

    Thanks for looking at that! I saw a picture of a loose bracket that may be it on another thread IF it is it, then I have to find where the bracket bolts under. Thank you for going out and checking! I really appreciate it. I was a stopping point.


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