72 LT1 restoration

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  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: 72 LT1 restoration


    Since you have the body off of the frame I presume you have checked the frame VIN derivative?
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Fred H.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 4, 2019
      • 298

      Re: 72 LT1 restoration

      Hi Joe, yes all the components (engine, transmission, differential) have been confirmed with the VIN derivative, other components without VIN derivative # (carburetor, radio diode, coolant recovery tank, AC compressor, etc) have been production date verified correct.

      Perhaps you might know John Marquardt. John was a 35+ year friend (aka John's Fuel Injection). John (and other local C3 Corvette guru's) inventoried and verified all essential parts on this LT1 for correct #'s & component appropriate date codes. Unfortunately John passed away recently and wont be able to see the LT1 finished. Additionally we were able to extensively inspect the entire chassis and body and confirmed no damage to either.
      Fred Hickey
      Care taker of Top Flight 72 LT1 C60 Convertible #26756


      • Fred H.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 4, 2019
        • 298

        Re: 72 LT1 restoration

        Sorry I misunderstood the question. The raw fiberglass appears to be a white-ish (kind of chalky white) color
        Fred Hickey
        Care taker of Top Flight 72 LT1 C60 Convertible #26756


        • Patrick B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 1, 1985
          • 1980

          Re: 72 LT1 restoration

          Originally posted by Fred Hickey (66564)
          Sorry I misunderstood the question. The raw fiberglass appears to be a white-ish (kind of chalky white) color
          Then your doors appear to be 1970-75 coupe doors with the change in glass, seals, etc suggested by Joe.


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