Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack - NCRS Discussion Boards

Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack

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  • Sven C.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 18, 2015
    • 186

    Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack

    Hi all. Believe this jack and wrench are original to my '63 coupe. I know originals are best for judging and just looking for opinions as to how these items might judge. As far as a restoration, there are scrapes and dings on the bottom of the base and on the top of the jack, so I don't know how a restoration on the jack and wrench would turn out. Wondering if a reproduction would result in more points. Sorry, but I don't know why the photos are upside down. Thanks.
    1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 Ontario NCRS Regional Meet (Regional) at 09-14-2023
    1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 National Convention-French Lick (National) at 07-27-2023
    1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at NCRS Indiana Regional (Regional) at 04-28-2022
    1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at Ontario Chapter judging Meet 2021 (Chapter) at 09-18-2021
  • Tom K.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 25, 2008
    • 167



    • Joe R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1976
      • 4547

      Re: Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack


      It is indeed a Type I jack and should receive 100% for originality but would loose points for condition. Cleaning and painting would help but remember the procedure for painting a jack was dipping the jack and not spray painting it. The screw was about half painted as it was dipped into the paint tank and the bearing had no paint at all.
      Would like to see more detailed pictures of the head of the handle. Originals have identifying marks made when they were cast.



      • Sven C.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 18, 2015
        • 186

        Re: Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack

        Tom - The jack works great, but it has been used during its life. Still nice to have an original jack.

        Joe - I have attached two pictures of the head with the only marks I could find. These marks are on opposite sides of the head. Do you know if there has been an Restorer article on jack restoration or some other document describing it? Was the handle also dipped?

        Thanks for the responses.

        1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 Ontario NCRS Regional Meet (Regional) at 09-14-2023
        1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 National Convention-French Lick (National) at 07-27-2023
        1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at NCRS Indiana Regional (Regional) at 04-28-2022
        1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at Ontario Chapter judging Meet 2021 (Chapter) at 09-18-2021


        • Joe R.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • July 31, 1976
          • 4547

          Re: Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack


          That is an original jack handle for a 63. Don't know of an article on painting the jacks or handles in the Restorer. There was an article run several years ago on describing the jacks used on 63-67's. Some guy by the name of Joe Ray wrote the article based on a survey in the Restorer with responses from over 300 63-67 owners. That's when the 63-67 jacks received their names of Type I, Type II and Type III.



          • Sven C.
            Very Frequent User
            • July 18, 2015
            • 186

            Re: Looking for judging opinions on a 1963 Jack

            LOL. Thanks for the info Joe. Nice to know both parts are original.
            1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 Ontario NCRS Regional Meet (Regional) at 09-14-2023
            1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at 2023 National Convention-French Lick (National) at 07-27-2023
            1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at NCRS Indiana Regional (Regional) at 04-28-2022
            1963 Corvette: Flight Judging Award (Top Flight) at Ontario Chapter judging Meet 2021 (Chapter) at 09-18-2021


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