1965 A.O. Smith convertible outside door sweep w/s

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  • Keith B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 16, 2014
    • 1556

    1965 A.O. Smith convertible outside door sweep w/s

    On a Smith built body the original outside window door sweep weather striping is held on to the stainless via staples. The replacement I got the w/s is pre-punched for small rivets. I see no mention in the latest 65 manual. The AIM shows staples. Does anyone make the w/s for the staples. Or would it be best to use what I got and not use the rivets and staple back in place.
  • John L.
    • February 20, 2009
    • 186

    Re: 1965 A.O. Smith convertible outside door sweep w/s

    I think the rubber is stapled to the stainless and the holes, between each staple, are for the small screws that attach this assembly to the door. I have an AOS 65 convert and will double check


    • Page C.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 1, 1979
      • 802

      Re: 1965 A.O. Smith convertible outside door sweep w/s

      John is correct. Also the AMI that everybody has is a St. Louis AMI. There was a different AMI for AO Smith built bodies. It had had over 500 pages just to build the bodies with step by step instructions for each step of assembly. Have heard that only 2 copies are know to exit.


      • John L.
        • February 20, 2009
        • 186



        • Chris D.
          • August 1, 1990
          • 27

          Re: 1965 A.O. Smith convertible outside door sweep w/s

          Originally posted by Keith Brodbeck (60464)
          On a Smith built body the original outside window door sweep weather striping is held on to the stainless via staples. The replacement I got the w/s is pre-punched for small rivets. I see no mention in the latest 65 manual. The AIM shows staples. Does anyone make the w/s for the staples. Or would it be best to use what I got and not use the rivets and staple back in place.

          Here are 3 pictures of original LH piece from 1965 coupe S-1113 #6210


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