Restorer Magazine

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  • Tim G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 1, 1990
    • 1334

    Restorer Magazine

    I finally got a chance to sit and read the most recent issue of The Restorer last night, it was a great diversion from everything going on. There are some good articles in this issue. Thanks for putting together a wonderful magazine, Vinnie.
  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17395

    Re: Restorer Magazine

    Second that - the Restorer and Driveline are awesome!
    NCRS Texas Chapter


    • James G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1976
      • 1556

      Re: Restorer Magazine

      I love the TOM WEAVER 57 AIR BOX vin #4229 story. I know the car well since 2003 when Kent Browing and I saw it for the first time at BARRETT JACKSON on display . Amazing how the restoration and history has come full circle since then
      Over 80 Corvettes of fun ! Love Rochester Fuel Injection 57-65 cars. Love CORVETTE RACE CARS


      • Timothy B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1983
        • 5172

        Re: Restorer Magazine

        I agree, the magazines came at just the right time, great articles.


        • George C.
          • November 1, 2001
          • 568

          Re: Restorer Magazine

          I really enjoyed the Restorer article on the C2 Hardtop, as I am in the middle of restoring mine.
          Many thanks to John Foster for taking the time to share his efforts with us.


          • Brian D.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 1, 1999
            • 422

            Re: Restorer Magazine

            I enjoyed them also, and I'm eagerly awaiting my own article's appearance in print!
            Back in my Mercedes Club days, I did our section's newsletter for a year. Unlike Vinnie's large backlog of articles, seems like I was scraping every month for something to include. Hard to believe that Vinnie has almost four years capacity right now, awaiting publication.
            My story was written as a Founders Award requirement. At first it was hard going... but as it began to take shape and I selected more photos, it became something more. That chore soon turned to a labor of love.
            Hopefully it'll appear soon; I believe you'll all enjoy it.


            • Michael S.
              • August 12, 2019
              • 135

              Re: Restorer Magazine

              i too think the restorer is fantastic. i finished reading rocco scotellaro's article on his find of the 67 coupe. so i e mailed vinnie and asked if he would be interested in running an article on my find on august 7th 2019 of a 64 coupe 365 hp. 4 speed posi with 37445 miles. parked over 30 years. he agreed telling me he "was backed up" with articles. thats ok vinnie i can wait. i can just imagine taking my car to a show with the restorer opened to the page with my car in it. talk about the icing on the cake? it would be the cherry on the icing on the cake. great work to all the people at the restorer. mike.


              • Rocco S.
                Very Frequent User
                • December 21, 2013
                • 172

                Re: Restorer Magazine

                Mike and other members,

                Thank you for reading the article on my 1967 coupe. I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it. I am not much of a writer but for some reason it was easy to write about something you are passionate about. I hope the article inspires other to do the same. Yes, it was a long wait to get published but it was worth the wait. Vinnie was great and did a fantastic job with the layout. Thanks Vinnie.

                I have heard directly from a few other members and I can say they really made me feel good.

                Stay safe everyone.

                ROCCO SCOTELLARO
                1967 Lynndale Blue/Black Coupe L79, M21, G81 (3.70:1), A31, A82, C60, K66, N11, U69


                • Tim G.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • March 1, 1990
                  • 1334

                  Re: Restorer Magazine

                  Rocco, that was one of my favorite articles.


                  • Bill M.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • August 1, 1989
                    • 1303

                    Re: Restorer Magazine

                    I never realized we were backed up on articles. I would gladly pay more in memebership dues for a larger magazine. As of now i only subscribe to Hemmings Muscle car , Numismatic News and the NCRS.


                    • Brian D.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • May 1, 1999
                      • 422

                      Re: Restorer Magazine

                      I wonder if it would be viable to do a one-off special edition, perhaps exclusively consisting of articles which were written toward the Founders prerequisite. It could easily be mailed along with one of the two Driveline issues which currently don't have a Restorer issue included. Not sure how this might affect the postage rate for that one mailing. Given life's uncertainties, I have a feeling that many of us amateur authors would love to see ours in print while we're still active club members - or here on Earth, for that matter.
                      There must be someone with a little publishing software acumen who could help out with this, since Vinnie's workload is already pretty comprehensive.
                      Given that we all may be missing a meet or two due to C-19 restrictions, an extra issue may just help fill this season's void a bit.


                      • Gary C.
                        • October 1, 1982
                        • 17395

                        Re: Restorer Magazine


                        Appreciate your suggestion. IMHO it's best to let Vinnie continue to select when member's Founders and other member articles go to print.

                        Vinnie has done and is doing an excellent job with the Restorer and articles.

                        Just sayin'.

                        NCRS Texas Chapter



                        • Brian D.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • May 1, 1999
                          • 422

                          Re: Restorer Magazine

                          Originally posted by Gary Chesnut (5895)
                          Appreciate your suggestion. IMHO it's best to let Vinnie continue to select when member's Founders and other member articles go to print.
                          Vinnie has done and is doing an excellent job with the Restorer and articles.
                          Just sayin'.

                          Oh, no doubt - and I didn't state otherwise.
                          I'll bet you that many of the qualities we love and admire about our club publications came out of ideas suggested by others.
                          So I'm suggesting a special issue, perhaps two. There may also be room (sadly) because of meets being cancelled this 2020 season - no meets, no coverage pages. I seriously doubt that's going to burn up four years worth of article backlog, and leave Vinnie desperate for material.
                          Maybe I'm being a little selfish, but I'd like to have my story read by people who I've actually met, or might recognize my name from meet/event attendance or this discussion board. That's sure preferable to having it come out in 2024. Then readers may have to ask, "Brian Davies? Who's this guy? Is he even still a member? I never recall seeing him at anything."
                          And you cannot deny that the recent stories about Eric Patty's 1973 or Gene Cook's 1969 took nowhere near four years to see print.


                          • Gary C.
                            • October 1, 1982
                            • 17395

                            Re: Restorer Magazine


                            Please submit a business case on what you're suggesting. Business cases provide the cost effectiveness and practicality.

                            NCRS Texas Chapter



                            • Bill M.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • August 1, 1989
                              • 1303

                              Re: Restorer Magazine

                              I think we are all just woundering how much it would cost to add 10 more pages to the restorer ?


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