70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws - NCRS Discussion Boards

70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

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  • Bill L.
    • January 31, 2004
    • 1403

    70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

    Looking for details on the phillips head screws that attached the two halves together on the 3 piece distributor shield.

    How long, head diameter, etc.

    A GM part number would be great.

    Thank you ,

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

    Originally posted by Bill Lennox (41387)
    Looking for details on the phillips head screws that attached the two halves together on the 3 piece distributor shield.

    How long, head diameter, etc.

    A GM part number would be great.

    Thank you ,



    The GM Part number was 163162. However, it was never available in SERVICE.

    I have some of these on my original shielding but I can't get at it right now. As I recollect, the screws were self-tapping, pan head phillips. I believe they were size 6 but I'm not sure. They were short-----maybe 1/2" to 5/8" and were zinc plated.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Bill L.
      • January 31, 2004
      • 1403

      Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

      Originally posted by Joe Lucia (12484)

      The GM Part number was 163162. However, it was never available in SERVICE.

      I have some of these on my original shielding but I can't get at it right now. As I recollect, the screws were self-tapping, pan head phillips. I believe they were size 6 but I'm not sure. They were short-----maybe 1/2" to 5/8" and were zinc plated.
      Thank you Joe.

      Kind Regards,



      • Jim R.
        • August 31, 2002
        • 95

        Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

        Be careful a longer screw will prevent the breaker plate from moving with vacuum advance


        • Mike E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 28, 1975
          • 5115

          Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

          Originally posted by Jim Ryan (38649)
          Be careful a longer screw will prevent the breaker plate from moving with vacuum advance
          I am not sure I understand your post. How/where do the shielding screws interfere with the breaker plate?


          • Jim R.
            • August 31, 2002
            • 95

            Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

            If you use a screw that is longer than the original length, the longer screw will hit the distributor housing beneath the plate and prevent the plate from moving. I had this happen.


            • Joe L.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • January 31, 1988
              • 43160

              Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

              Originally posted by Jim Ryan (38649)
              If you use a screw that is longer than the original length, the longer screw will hit the distributor housing beneath the plate and prevent the plate from moving. I had this happen.


              Yes, you're correct regarding the internal 2 piece RF shield used to shield the points and condenser for 1970-74 Corvettes. However, I believe the original question involved the screws on the 3 piece shield on radio-equipped Corvettes which surrounded the distributor for RF shielding. That shield was used for L1969-E1970.
              In Appreciation of John Hinckley


              • Jim R.
                • August 31, 2002
                • 95

                Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

                Correct wrong shield my bad.


                • David L.
                  • July 31, 1980
                  • 3310

                  Re: 70 3 Piece Distributor Shield Phillips Screws

                  I sold all my 70-74 RF shields but I found this photo on the web.


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