1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

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  • Chuck G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1982
    • 2029

    Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

    Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
    Chuck, have fun this week. When you are all done, come up to NH and help me swap a fuel pump in my 63. NAH

    I have recent experience swapping fuel pumps. Just did one on a 61 about two weeks ago, and did my 56 Chevy about 2 months ago.

    I'm "warmed up". Send the plane tickets to my house. You have my address.
    1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
    2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
    1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


    • Jim L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 30, 1979
      • 1781

      Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

      Originally posted by Chuck Gongloff (5629)
      Reliability.. More consistent spark...
      Copy that.

      For future reference, NAPA sells solid core plug wires which are about as durable as they come. And for consistent spark, you can't beat near-zero Ohms resistance. I've had a set on my vintage racer for almost 20 years and they aren't coming off any time soon.



      • John D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • November 30, 1979
        • 5507

        Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

        When you are removing your spark plug wire boots from the spark plugs do not wiggle the boot back and forth while pulling it off the plug.
        Use the correct tool for this.


        • Paul Y.
          Very Frequent User
          • September 30, 1982
          • 570

          Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

          I have had a trouble free 10000 miles on my 71 LT-1 with Magnacor and also have a set waiting for my 63 fuely when I get it back on the road. I like the quality and feel of the wires a lot and am expecting more good service from them as the miles roll on. They are nice and black also and don't stick out like a sore thumb.
          It's a good life!


          • William F.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 9, 2009
            • 1354

            Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

            Which tool? Photo?


            • Chuck G.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 31, 1982
              • 2029

              Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

              Thought I'd give my final impressions. I installed 8 new NGK B4 plugs along with the wires. When I removed the old wires, #4 boot was burned and split. I could see that one arcing. However, I also found #7 boot burned and split. I was unaware of that one.

              Prior to this, I found #1 distributor boot was arcing...

              After putting in the new wires and plugs, the car drives like a dream. No more low speed miss. Pulls strong up to 5000 RPM.

              So, I'm happy. Gonna take another week for my bruised and cut hands to heal up.
              1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
              2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
              1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


              • Mark E.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 1993
                • 4467

                Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                For future reference, 8mm wires will fit in factory looms. I've used Taylor 8mm spiral core wires since the late 80s in a variety of vintage GM cars. For big-blocks Taylor also offers braided 8mm spiral core cables. To the casual eye they look original but perform much better.

                I think you'll like your new cables. I've found the spiral core design virtually eliminates cross firing.
                Mark Edmondson
                Dallas, Texas
                Texas Chapter

                1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
                1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


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