1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

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  • Chuck G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1982
    • 2029

    1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

    My old dated Lectric Limited plug wires are finally giving up the ghost. Within the past 2 weeks, I've had spark arcing from #1 and now #4 has started.

    Time for new wires. I have looked here in the archives. I've looked online. I've looked at Corvette supplier catalogs. I've looked on EBAY. I've looked at ACCEL, Taylor, MSD, etc.

    I'd like to ask a couple of questions.

    Originals are 7mm. Are there any spiral wound 7mm wires available? I'd like to avoid carbon core again, if possible.

    I see lots of 8mm spiral wound wires. Will they fit in the looms without too much difficulty?

    I called K&B and they don't make FI wires with 90* boots on each end. They do make their Kevlar reinforced core wires, but again, those are carbon wires.

    I can make up my own...I can modify anything I buy with the proper boots, that's not an issue.

    I do not want to use "440" wire.. I'm not concerned with judging points anymore..

    1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
    2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
    1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod
  • Peter M.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 30, 2013
    • 358

    Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

    Hi Chuck,
    I have been looking at trying "Magnecor" wires for my 67. They have a very informative web site and are located in Michigan.
    Kind regards


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 15, 2008
      • 6940

      Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

      Good morning Chuck, do you have the wires routed correctly in the rubber holders . They are numbered to keep wires from cross firing.take a look closely there numbered on both sides1357/2468.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Chuck G.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1982
        • 2029

        Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

        Yes, they're routed correctly. I will investigate Magnecor.

        I think I have found something I like from Summit Racing. They're 7mm spiral wound wires... They come in the proper lengths, and you add your plug and distributor boots..

        Free Shipping - Summit Racing™ Muscle Car Retro Ignition Wires with qualifying orders of $109. Shop Spark Plug Wire Sets at Summit Racing.

        My LL wires are old... and I don't want to put on another set of those.
        1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
        2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
        1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


        • Chuck G.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • May 31, 1982
          • 2029

          Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

          The 8 wires from Summit come in these lengths.

          2-52.5 inches

          1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
          2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
          1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


          • Edward J.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 15, 2008
            • 6940

            Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

            Chuck myself I really was never crazy about the cut to length wires,they tend to pull apart when removing the boots on cap. Have you tried Napa,or Carquest auto parts,.Standard ignition.or Delco.
            New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


            • Chuck G.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • May 31, 1982
              • 2029

              Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

              I've looked online. Google has been my friend.

              I really wanted the spiral wound wires...

              I've made up wire sets before on Corvettes and street rods and have not had a problem with them pulling apart. Gotta use the correct crimping tool.
              1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
              2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
              1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


              • Thomas N.
                Very Frequent User
                • July 31, 2002
                • 378

                Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                Summit also has the Pertronix spiral wound 7mm. P/N 708180 with straight boots, and P/N 708190 with 90 degree boots. Both Universal sets.
                Just more choices for you to look at.
                NCRS New England Chapter Chairman 2022, 2024
                N E Regional Chairman 2024
                1967 Corvette Convertible Under Restoration
                1996 Corvette Coupe NCRS Chapter Top Flight 99.5, NCRS National Top Flight 100.0


                • Chuck G.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • May 31, 1982
                  • 2029

                  Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                  Originally posted by Thomas Nowak (10784)
                  Summit also has the Pertronix spiral wound 7mm. P/N 708180 with straight boots, and P/N 708190 with 90 degree boots. Both Universal sets.
                  Just more choices for you to look at.

                  The wires I got from Summit are called "Retro-Universal Wire Set"

                  Summit part number SUM G829B

                  The 90* plug boots are already crimped on.

                  They send you 3 styles of distributor boots, 90*, straight, and HEI.

                  You need to cut the wires to length, and then crimp on the boot you want. A crimping tool is included. The wires are plenty long to run in the original fashion.

                  Interestingly, the wires are stamped "Packard Silicone Suppression" and have a few small lightning bolts..
                  1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                  2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                  1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


                  • Richard G.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • July 31, 1984
                    • 1711

                    Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                    Just interested in how long the "correct" wires lasted?
                    I know from the factory they were considered a tune up item.

                    I only got 160K miles before I changed them out on my Silverado. LOL
                    Things have changed a lot in the ignition field.


                    • Chuck G.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • May 31, 1982
                      • 2029

                      Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                      Originally posted by Richard Geier (7745)
                      Just interested in how long the "correct" wires lasted?
                      I know from the factory they were considered a tune up item.

                      I only got 160K miles before I changed them out on my Silverado. LOL
                      Things have changed a lot in the ignition field.
                      I would guess that the LL repros are 15+ years old, BUT they probably only have 5000 miles or less on them.

                      I had one bad wire right out of the original set, and LL sent me a replacement. IIRC, that wire out of the box ohm'ed at 30,000+ ohms in a 24" or so span.

                      I've got the shielding removed, no small task on a 63 with the one piece RT plug shield. I'm gonna raise my lift and remove the boomerangs, then pull the plugs, then start on the wires.

                      No hurry. I'm retired. I'll have the job done sometime this week.
                      1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                      2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                      1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


                      • Harry S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • July 31, 2002
                        • 5204

                        Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                        Originally posted by Chuck Gongloff (5629)
                        I would guess that the LL repros are 15+ years old, BUT they probably only have 5000 miles or less on them.

                        I had one bad wire right out of the original set, and LL sent me a replacement. IIRC, that wire out of the box ohm'ed at 30,000+ ohms in a 24" or so span.

                        I've got the shielding removed, no small task on a 63 with the one piece RT plug shield. I'm gonna raise my lift and remove the boomerangs, then pull the plugs, then start on the wires.

                        No hurry. I'm retired. I'll have the job done sometime this week.
                        Chuck, have fun this week. When you are all done, come up to NH and help me swap a fuel pump in my 63. NAH


                        • Jim L.
                          Extremely Frequent Poster
                          • September 30, 1979
                          • 1781

                          Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                          Originally posted by Chuck Gongloff (5629)

                          I really wanted the spiral wound wires...

                          Out of curiosity, Chuck, why?


                          • Chuck G.
                            Extremely Frequent Poster
                            • May 31, 1982
                            • 2029

                            Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                            Originally posted by Jim Lockwood (2750)
                            Out of curiosity, Chuck, why?
                            Reliability.. More consistent spark...
                            1963 Corvette Conv. 327/360 NCRS Top Flight
                            2006 Corvette Conv. Velocity Yellow NCRS Top Flight
                            1956 Chevy Sedan. 350/4 Speed Hot Rod


                            • Gary J.
                              Extremely Frequent Poster
                              • March 31, 1980
                              • 1226

                              Re: 1963 FI Spark Plug Wire Recommendations

                              Originally posted by Harry Sadlock (38513)
                              Chuck, have fun this week. When you are all done, come up to NH and help me swap a fuel pump in my 63. NAH
                              Now Harry, why would Chuck want to do that when it is nice and warm in Florida this time of year? You must have had a brain burp!


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