Best Brand of Bias Ply Tires for 67?

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  • Randy M.
    Infrequent User
    • February 25, 2019
    • 18

    Best Brand of Bias Ply Tires for 67?

    Does anyone have firsthand knowledge or opinions of the ride quality and performance comparisons of the available brands of correct bias ply tires for 67? I need 5/8" WSW tires as is listed on my tank sticker. The available choices as I see them are:

    Firestone Deluxe Champions 7.75-15 5/8" WSW made by Coker (and sold by several vendors) 4.7" 4 Ply Poly
    B.F. Goodrich Silvertown 7.75-15 5/8" WSW made by Coker (and sold by several vendors) 4.5" 4 Ply Poly
    Goodyear Power Cushion 7.75-15 5/8" WSW made by Kelsey 5.27" 2 Ply Nylon.

    I'd like to know if anyone knows which of these three tires rides the best and any other opinions or information (quality, etc.) about these three tires. The Goodyears have the widest tread at 5.27" and are 2 Ply Nylon, while the other two are 4 Ply Poly and are 4.7" and 4.5" wide tread. Does anyone know how those factors affect the performance and ride quality?

    I really don't want to pick new tires based on soles on price and/or looks only, so any firsthand knowledge of performance or any pointers to online comparison reviews of these three tires would be helpful, as I could not find any information in that area (other than the typical Bias Ply vs. Radial opinions which I don't need).
  • Larry M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 1992
    • 2683

    Re: Best Brand of Bias Ply Tires for 67?

    Kelsey Goodyears are best in my opinion. I have had both Firestone and Goodyear on my 67 car.



    • Kenneth B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 1, 1984
      • 2078

      Re: Best Brand of Bias Ply Tires for 67?

      O like the Goodyears also.
      65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


      • Michael H.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 1, 1987
        • 713

        Re: Best Brand of Bias Ply Tires for 67?

        Originally posted by Larry Mulder (20401)
        Kelsey Goodyears are best in my opinion. I have had both Firestone and Goodyear on my 67 car.

        I agree with Larry, the Kelsey Goodyear's are the way to go. I have the Goodyear Redline's on my 67 and in 2016 I drove 900 miles to the Rochester Regional's and I had no problems at all. I was surprised at how well they handle especially at 70 mph, I would buy them again.



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