1981 Interior fastener questions

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  • Gary G.
    Frequent User
    • July 10, 2019
    • 84

    1981 Interior fastener questions

    As we are now into the restoration of our 1981 , we have found that several of the interior screws are miss matched. Someone installed an aftermarket radio. In doing so they cut the gauge bezel out (replacing ) and must have lost some of the original screws. Some are chrome headed phillips and others black.
    We have found the UM6 radio. We are looking for information on the interior screws. There is limited information available online. Any suggestions on reference material?
    Thanks in advance
  • David H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 2001
    • 1430

    Re: 1981 Interior fastener questions

    Originally posted by Gary Goodyear (66059)
    As we are now into the restoration of our 1981 , we have found that several of the interior screws are miss matched. Someone installed an aftermarket radio. In doing so they cut the gauge bezel out (replacing ) and must have lost some of the original screws. Some are chrome headed phillips and others black.
    We have found the UM6 radio. We are looking for information on the interior screws. There is limited information available online. Any suggestions on reference material?
    Thanks in advance

    Best source of information is your 1980-1982 "Technical Information Manual and Judging Guide" (4th edition is current). If you don't have a copy it is available from our NCRS Store.

    I am currently away from my books. So I can't check at this time.

    Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter


    • Gary G.
      Frequent User
      • July 10, 2019
      • 84

      Re: 1981 Interior fastener questions

      Thank You Dave,
      We do have the manual. I will have to look deeper into it. I am looking for part numbers that I can cross to find the right parts.


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43129

        Re: 1981 Interior fastener questions

        Originally posted by Gary Goodyear (66059)
        Thank You Dave,
        We do have the manual. I will have to look deeper into it. I am looking for part numbers that I can cross to find the right parts.

        You should be able to find the part numbers for most, if not all, of the fasteners in the AIM. Of course, the liklihood that any of these fasteners being available in SERVICE from GM, if they were ever so-available, is nil. However, reproductions may be available. AMK Products (amkproducts.com) is one good source.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Harris B.
          • October 16, 2018
          • 42

          Re: 1981 Interior fastener questions

          Gary, I am in the midst of a partial restoration of my 1981 (Bowling Green VIN with the last five digits 00219). My car still has most of the original screws. The usual suspects carry fastener kits and, for the most part, the fasteners in those kits match the originals. However, there are some fasteners that do not match (the few that do not match I was able to find from www.mrgusa.com). If there is any particular fastener you need, send me a private message to let me know and I can take pictures of the ones I have and take measurements as well.



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