1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ?? - NCRS Discussion Boards

1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 30, 2007
    • 524

    1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

    Like so many 75's the original owner cut the catalytic converter off my 75 convertible , the good news is he saved the converter and shielding, the bad news is he butchered the exhaust system including aftermarket mufflers. Is there anybody reproducing the exhaust and mufflers ? Are there any other years that match the 75 so maybe I can up my chances of finding a used GOOD system ?
    Good to see so many at the convention this last week, a LOT of VERY NICE cars. Well done Carolinas
  • Edward J.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 15, 2008
    • 6940

    Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

    Bob, I am not a 75 guy, Corvette Central sells carbon steel or aluminized pipes, as far as judging goes I think they all get some points ofF. if the factory welded the pipes at muffler like my 72 you can get that style of pipe and muffler. Factory GM pipes and mufflers had different types of bends, and mufflers that were seamed on the inboard sides and had (W) stamped on them.
    New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 30, 2007
      • 524

      Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

      Thanks, the 75's are not getting a lot of love from the repro guys vs 72 and it is understandable. Catalytic converter and all
      I will talk to the usual suspects Monday and see how close I can come The L82 different size exhaust makes it even more of a challenge.
      Cutting off the converter in 75 was pretty common, the old bolt in/out "test tube" sure would have made the job easier now.


      • Edward J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 15, 2008
        • 6940

        Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

        Bob, I am not sure what the shape of the exhaust system that's on the car, but the exhaust shops just maybe able to repair the front pipes, I cannot remember if the cat. convertor was a flanged assy. in any event if you still have the flanges a short piece of pipe and the old can surely be welded.as for the rest of the exhaust I am sure its had some replacements. if I remember the mufflers were also different they were oval?? that also is something hard to find a replacement.
        New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


        • Bob B.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 30, 2007
          • 524

          Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

          The original owner just butchered the original exhaust system. At least he saved the original converter and shielding.
          Otherwise he just made it welded together dual exhaust sounds good. Rest of car is 99% original survivor,
          a bit simple green and polish and it will show ASAP


          • Patrick H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • November 30, 1989
            • 11561

            Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

            Odds are Walker made the original system.

            Based on two cars I know that have replaced some pipes, I would look and see if there are Walker pipes that will work for you. From what I can tell, they might still be correct.
            Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
            71 "deer modified" coupe
            72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
            2008 coupe
            Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


            • Bob B.
              Very Frequent User
              • January 30, 2007
              • 524

              Re: 1975 exhaust same as later years ????? Any correct repros ??

              THANKS, I will give Walter a try Bob Patrick, I have a original sticker off the engine on this 75 L82 if you want to copy it


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